

Leg Pain: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Leg pain can either occur in the entire leg, or a localized area, such as knee, shin, or calf.  Some leg pain can be a dull aching pain, but some can be severe enough to affect walking.  Leg pain usually results from overuse injuries to bone, joints, wear and tear on tendons, blood clots, and low circulation. Majority of leg pain is due to compressed nerves in the lower back, which is also known as sciatica. 

Causes of Leg Pain 

  1. 腱の炎症 
  2. Rupture of the tendons 
  3. Bone cancer or fractures
  4. Blood Clots
  5. Herniated disks
  6. 坐骨神経痛 
  7. シンスプリント

Symptoms of Leg Pain 

  1. 灼熱感。 
  2. Redness or swelling of the leg
  3. しびれやうずき 
  4. Weakness or heaviness
  5. Leg cramps
  6. 絶え間ない痛み 

Leg Pain Treatment 

ASTRは扱います leg pain 筋肉の不均衡、瘢痕組織、トリガーポイントに対処することにより、穏やかで効果的かつ自然な方法で、  筋膜の制限、炎症、姿勢、しばしば痛みの原因となる体の力学。 ASTRは、症状だけでなく、痛みの根本原因に対処するために全体的なアプローチを取ります。 ASTR治療は自宅で行うことができます leg pain.

Leg Pain Home Treatment



