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Scar Tissue Release

What Is Scar Tissue?


Scar tissue (fibrosis) forms when the body is subjected to injury, stress, disease, surgery, accidents, prolonged poor posture, and improper body mechanics. Scar tissue formation is part of the body’s normal healing process, but in some cases, excessive scar tissue occurs and remains after an injury has healed. Excessive pressure is placed on muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and organs from this scar tissue and can lead to pain and restrict a joint’s range of motion.


ASTR이 흉터 조직을 방출하는 방법

Advanced Soft Tissue Release(ASTR로 약칭)는 환자가 경험하는 방식에 혁명을 일으키고 있는 새로운 도수 치료 전문 분야입니다. 장기간 pain relief. ASTR treats pain in a gentle, effective, and natural way by releasing scar tissue, trigger points, and fascia restriction. ASTR’s patented tools assist in releasing and removing scar tissue, and ASTR clinicians are trained in effective techniques that do not cause additional pain or stress to the patient’s body. ASTR이 어떻게 도움이 되는지 알아보십시오. 또는 추천 동영상 보기 ASTR 치료를 통해 통증 완화를 경험한 환자로부터.

아스트르 IASTM/ Graston/ Gua Sha
Long-term results X
인체공학적으로 설계된 X
Pain-free treatment X
Superficial scar tissue release
Deep scar tissue release X
Myofascial release X
트리거 포인트 릴리스 X
염증 감소 X
Exercise protocols X
Treatment protocols X
생물심리사회적 모델 X

집에서 흉터 조직 릴리스

ASTR은 예외적으로 다릅니다.

다양한 웹사이트에서 수집한 리뷰
