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Heel Spur

A heel spur is when bone grows underneath or on the side of the heel bone in a point and can cause pain while exercising or standing for long periods of time.  Heel spurs often occur with plantar fasciitis, when inflammation of the the soft tissue tendons or fascia in the heel, or with inflammation of the achilles tendon causing tenderness at the back of the heel.  It is common to see heel spurs in sports that have a lot of running or jumping involved.  Chronic pain that comes and goes can occur with pain during exercising and a stabbing feeling at the bottom of the heel upon waking up.  It also may return after sitting for a long period of time. 

Risk Factors for Heel Spurs

Heel Spur Treatment

ASTR 使用整體、非侵入性和無痛的方法來緩解疼痛,而無需使用藥物。我們的醫生使用獲得專利的 ASTR 工具來分解和清除患者現有的疤痕組織和肌筋膜限制。為患者提供特定的特殊鍛煉計劃,旨在減少炎症和增強肌肉,使患者恢復正常功能和活動。