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Stop Wrist Pain Naturally: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Character, Healing Cycle & Treatment

What is wrist pain? 

Wrist pain is often dorsal-radial and it is associated with the lack of ability of an individual to bear weight when the wrist is extended. [1] The following sections discuss the causes and risk factors of wrist pain, the role of the normal healing cycle, chronic wound healing, and therapeutic measures to effectively alleviate wrist pain. 

Causes and Risk Factors of Wrist Pain

The causes of wrist pain along with their clinical indications or presentations are enlisted as follows. [1]


Clinical Presentation

Ganglion or neoplasm at the wrist  The patient presents with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and a mass at the wrist 
كسر  The patient presents with bony tenderness and a history of trauma 
Ligament tear 
Intersection syndrome  The patient presents with crepitus along the dorsal distal radius 
Nonunion of the hook of hamate or scaphoid  The patient presents with a history of trauma along with TTP at the scaphoid or anatomic snuffbox and at the hamate 
De Quervain tenosynovitis  The patient presents with TTP along the distal radius 
Avascular necrosis of the lunate or the scaphoid  The patient presents with a variable trauma history and TTP at the lunate or scaphoid 
Scapholunate dissociation  The patient presents with TTP at the scapholunate interval
Triangular fibrocartilage complex  The patient presents with TTP in a distal hollow present between the ulnar styloid and pisiform. 
Carpal instability  The patient presents with mid-carpal TTP and an audible and painful clunk upon ulnar deviation of the wrist 
Distal radioulnar joint subluxation The patient presents with pain and instability of the wrist 


The systemic causes of wrist pain include peripheral neuropathy, amyloidosis, granulomatous disease including tuberculosis and sarcoidosis, reflex sympathetic dystrophy including complex regional pain syndrome, rheumatologic disorders, hematologic disease, and metabolic conditions. The neurologic causes of wrist pain include distal posterior interosseous nerve syndrome, thoracic outlet compression syndrome, and injury of the ulnar nerve, median nerve, or radial nerve. [1]

The risk factors of wrist pain are enlisted as follows.

  1. Diabetic patients
  2. التهاب المفصل الروماتويدي 
  3. Repetitive activities 
  4. بدانة 
  5. Hereditary 

Symptoms of Wrist Pain

The symptoms of wrist pain are given as follows. 

  1. Weak hand grip
  2. Dropping objects 
  3. تصلب المفاصل 
  4. Pain in the index, ring, and middle fingers
  5. Pain in the thumb
  6. Tingling, burning, and numbness in the thumb and fingers 

Character of Wrist Pain

The differentiation of wrist pain character is given below. [2] 

  1. Acute wrist pain is associated with swelling, cold sensation, and aggravation of pain upon exposure to cold weather. Acute wrist pain may alleviate upon movement. 
  2. Chronic wrist pain is associated with a history of injury at the wrist or with a history of operation. Chronic wrist pain also involves worsening wrist pain at night and alleviation upon movement. 
  3. Slight wrist pain associated with numbness, pale complexion, weakness of hand and wrist, palpations, and dizziness. 
  4. Pain and swelling at the wrist associated with the limitation of movement, the sensation of soft nodules surrounding the wrist, and the heavy sensation of fingers and wrist. 

دورة الشفاء الطبيعية 

The different phases of the normal wound healing cycle are described as follows. [3]

Stage وصف
Hemostasis  During this phase of the healing cycle, the blood vessels undergo constriction, the platelets aggregate together, and fibrin is formed from fibrinogen. This phase leads to the development of a thrombus or blood clot. 
إشعال  This is the second stage of the wound-healing cycle. During inflammation, the neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes infiltrate the injured site with monocytes giving rise to tissue macrophages. The cardinal signs of inflammation are loss of function, pain, increased temperature, and redness. 
الانتشار  This is the third stage of the normal wound-healing process. During this stage, angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels occurs. This stage is also characterized by the re-epithelization of the wound region, the production of collagen, the formation of the extracellular matrix in the injured area, and the development of trigger points, scar tissue, muscle spasms, and fascia restrictions. 
إنضاج  Maturation or remodeling marks the end of the normal wound healing cycle. During this stage, collagen undergoes remodeling and blood vessels undergo maturation and regression. 
Chronic conditions In chronic conditions, the wound healing cycle oscillates between the inflammation and proliferation stages, with the failure of the cycle to reach the maturation stage. 


Ineffective Treatment Measures 

Following are the different treatment measures used by individuals to alleviate wrist pain. 

  1. Application of heat and ice on the wrist 
  2. Electrical stimulation of the site of wrist pain 
  3. Use of foam roller and massaging on the site of wrist pain
  4. Stretching of the wrist 
  5. Mobilization of the wrist 
  6. Strength exercises during the inflammatory phase of the wound healing cycle 

Effective Treatment Measures 

Effective treatment measures for the alleviation of wrist pain include the following. 

علاج او معاملة وصف
Avoid the trigger  Avoid performing repetitive movements at the wrist 
Resolution of inflammation stage of the wound healing cycle 
  • MagnaHeal device for promoting adequate wound healing 
  • Anti-inflammatory supplements are important for countering the nutrient deficiencies associated with chronic inflammation. 
  • The consumption of an anti-inflammatory diet is also important for the resolution of the inflammation stage of the healing cycle. 
Resolution of the proliferation stage of the wound healing cycle
  • A1 Tool for superficial and deep fascia restrictions.
  • A3 Tool for superficial scar tissue and superficial muscle trigger points.
  • A5 Tool for deep scar tissue, deeper muscle trigger points, and fascia restrictions of the endomysium, epimysium, and perimysium. 



Wrist pain can be a result of traumatic injury to the wrist or may occur due to neuronal injury or a systemic pathology such as sarcoidosis, metabolic conditions, and rheumatologic disorders. Wrist pain not only limits the movement of the hand due to aggravation of pain, but it also influences the physical functioning and quality of life of affected individuals. Wrist pain can be a consequence of an aberrant wound-healing cycle, characterized by failure of achieving resolution. The use of ASTR Tools for releasing fascia restrictions, scar tissue, and muscle trigger points along with the consumption of an anti-inflammatory diet and dietary supplements help with effective relief from wrist pain. 


  1. May Jr DD, Varacallo M. Wrist Sprain. [Updated 2022 Sep 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551514/ 
  2. 33 – Wrist pain, Editor(s): Sun Peilin, The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture (Second Edition), Churchill Livingstone, 2011, Pages 379-385, ISBN 9780702031793. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-7020-3179-3.00033-2 
  3. Guo, S., & Dipietro, L. A. (2010). Factors affecting wound healing. Journal of dental research89(3), 219–229. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022034509359125