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Torticollis: Symptoms & Treatment

What is Torticollis?

Torticollis is a condition in which the neck is tilted to one side and the chin is turned to the opposite direction.  Torticollis is also known as loxia, and this is a dystonic condition of the neck.  Most commonly Torticollis is acquired and generally a result of nerve damage.  It can be congenital or inherited in other words caused at birth through trauma or be cause by genetics. Baby Torticolis is one of the most common type of Torticolis.

Torticollis Symptoms:

  1. Head tilt
  2. Dolor de cuello
  3. Neck muscle stiffness and swelling
  4. Limited range of motion
  5. Neck spasm
  6. One shoulder higher than the other
  7. Dolor de cabeza
  8. Numbness and tingling

Torticollis Treatment 

Golosinas ASTR torticollis  de una manera suave, efectiva y natural al abordar los desequilibrios musculares, el tejido cicatricial, los puntos gatillo, las restricciones de la fascia, la inflamación, la postura y la mecánica corporal que a menudo son la fuente del dolor. ASTR adopta un enfoque holístico para abordar las causas fundamentales del dolor, no solo los síntomas. El tratamiento ASTR se puede hacer en casa para torticollis.

Torticollis Home Treatment

ASTR excepcionalmente diferente

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