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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that originates in the wrist and causes pain in the hand and fingers because of compressed nerve, known as the median nerve, that passes over the carpal bones and down into the wrist.  

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

The pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome generally increases with time.  Common symptoms include:

  1. Tingling or numbness in thumb, index, and middle fingers
  2. Weakness with grip 

Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

The reason carpal tunnel syndrome occurs is because the median nerve in the wrist is being compressed.  This particular nerve allows for feeling signals to be fired on the palm side of the hand.  Compression of this nerve can be due to injury or even continuous bad posture over time.  Repetitive movements of the wrist can also cause overuse of the wrist joint.  Any other conditions that cause swelling in the wrist such as rheumatoid arthritis can be a risk factor.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment 

Gâteries ASTR carpal tunnel syndrome de manière douce, efficace et naturelle en s'attaquant aux déséquilibres musculaires, aux tissus cicatriciels, aux points de déclenchement, aux restrictions des fascias, à l'inflammation, à la posture, à la mécanique corporelle qui sont souvent à l'origine de la douleur. ASTR adopte une approche holistique pour traiter les causes profondes de la douleur, pas seulement les symptômes. Le traitement ASTR peut être fait à la maison pour carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Home Treatment

ASTR exceptionnellement différent

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