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Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Pain: Definition, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What is Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Pain?

The sacroiliac joint is the jingo connecting the sacrum and pelvis together.  The sacroiliac joint is located near the bottom of the spine just above the tailbone.  With its surrounding ligaments , the sacroiliac going is very strong given its small size.  The range of motion is not very large, but transmits all forces of the upper body to the pelvis and lower extremities.  If there is dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint there will be pain also associated with it.  This pain causes instability of the body resulting low back or leg pain.  Complications with the sacroiliac going pain include difficulty breathing, spine deformation, infection of the lungs and or heart problems.  

Causes of Sacroiliac Joint Pain 

  1. Too much movement in the lower back, hip, and leg moment 
  2. Lack of movement of the lower back
  3. Arthrose 
  4. Grossesse 
  5. Abnormal walking pattern 
  6. Goutte 

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Symptoms 

  1. Pain located in 
    • Lower back 
    • Backside of the hips 
    • Groin or thighs
  2. Pain tends to be worse when standing or walking, and decreases when lying down 
  3. Stiffness or burning sensation located in lower back, hips, or pelvis 

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Treatment 

Gâteries ASTR sacroiliac joint pain de manière douce, efficace et naturelle en traitant les déséquilibres musculaires, les tissus cicatriciels, les points gâchettes,  restrictions des fascias, inflammation, posture, mécanique corporelle qui sont souvent à l'origine de la douleur. ASTR adopte une approche holistique pour traiter les causes profondes de la douleur, pas seulement les symptômes. Le traitement ASTR peut être fait à la maison pour sacroiliac joint pain.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Home Treatment

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