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Conquer Chronic Pain! Dr. Jacobs – TEDx Presentation

Have you or a loved one suffered from chronic pain???? Going from one specialist to the next searching desperately for an answer….a permanent fix…only to be let down yet again?…Have you given up hope that living pain free could ever be an option? Or frustrated with the outcome you are experiencing with your patients.

You are not alone!

In a 2012 National Health Interview Study, conducted by the CDC, it found that “25 million U.S. adults had daily chronic pain and 23 million more reported severe pain.”

My wife used to be part of that statistic.

पुराने दर्द का घरेलू उपचार

एएसटी असाधारण रूप से अलग

विभिन्न वेबसाइटों से एकत्र की गई समीक्षाएं

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