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Kyphosis: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors & Treatment

What is Kyphosis?

Kyphosis is a type of curvature in the spinal column present in the thoracic spine that look like a hunched back.  It a “C” shaped curve in the upper spine that pushes the neck and head forward.  Although the thoracic spine is naturally curved, a person with kyphosis has a more pronounced or exaggerated curve that can even affect the cervical and lumbar regions of the spinal column if it is more serious.  The curve can be forward so much that it causes nerve problem and chronic pain.  

Types of Kyphosis

  1. Postural Kyphosis: predominantly in young adults and adolescents, caused by improper posture
  2. Scheuermann’s Kyphosis: 3 or more vertebrae wedge together and appear like triangles, creating a 45-75 degree curve
  3. Congenital Kyphosis: inherited abnormality of the spine at birth

Symptoms of Kyphosis

  1. Pain in thoracic spine
  2. Difficulty breathing
  3. Weakness in the lower extremities
  4. Hunched over appearance
  5. Fatigue in upper shoulders and neck

Causes of Kyphosis

  1. Improper body mechanics
  2. Congenital disorder
  3. Fractures in the spine
  4. Degeneration of vertebral discs

Risk Factors of Kyphosis

  1. Aging
  2. Muscle weakness in the upper back
  3. Scheuermann’s disease
  4. Artrite
  5. Osteoporosi
  6. Injury to the spine
  7. Slipped discs
  8. Scoliosi

Treatment of Kyphosis

ASTR tratta kyphosis in modo dolce, efficace e naturale affrontando squilibri muscolari, tessuto cicatriziale, punti trigger, restrizioni fasciali, infiammazioni, postura, meccanica corporea che spesso sono all'origine del dolore. ASTR adotta un approccio olistico per affrontare le cause profonde del dolore, non solo i sintomi. Il trattamento ASTR può essere fatto a casa per kyphosis

Kyphosis Home Treatment

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