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Stop Shoulder Pain Naturally: Symptoms, Causes, Healing Cycle & Treatment

What is shoulder pain?ย 

Shoulder pain is among the common orthopedic complaints, which are caused by different etiological factors. The prevalence of shoulder pain can be attributed to the anatomy of the shoulder, as it contains many muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments, and fluid-filled sacs. The onset of shoulder pain usually occurs beneath the acromion, which is often associated with shoulder impingement. In approximately 70% of individuals who report shoulder pain, it is subacromial in origin. [1] The following sections discuss the causes, risk factors, symptoms, ineffective treatments, and effective ASTR-based therapeutic measures for shoulder pain.ย 

Causes and Risk of Shoulder Painย 

The etiological and risk factors underlying shoulder pain are as follows. [1]

  1. Borsiteย 
  2. Tendiniteย 
  3. Spalla congelata
  4. Sprain or strainย 
  5. Lesione della cuffia dei rotatori
  6. Artriteย 
  7. Impegnoย 
  8. Dislocationย 
  9. Fractureย 
  10. Diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, gout, thyroid disease, diabetes)
  11. Occupational risk (heavy lifting)ย 
  12. Repetitive overhead motion
  13. Sports (baseball, swimming, tennis, and golf)
  14. Falling
  15. Direct blow to the shoulder
  16. Calcium deposits in shoulder tendonsย 

Sintomi di dolore alla spalla

The symptoms of shoulder pain are enlisted as follows. [1]ย 

  1. Pain with overhead movement
  2. Pain with the lifting of the arm
  3. Tenderness in the anterior aspect of the shoulder
  4. Pain when lying on the affected sideย 
  5. Weakness of the shoulder and arm
  6. Stiffness of the shoulder and armย 

Natural Wound Healing Cycleย 

The normal wound healing cycle comprises hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and maturation stages. It is important for these stages to progress in a sequential manner to promote normal and healthy recovery. The stages of the wound healing cycle are discussed as follows. [2]

  1. Vasoconstriction occurs during the hemostasis stage of the wound-healing cycle. Platelets undergo aggregation and degranulation, which is followed by fibrin formation, resulting in the formation of a blood clot or thrombus.ย 
  2. Infiammazione is the second phase of the wound healing cycle. In inflammation, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes reach the site of injury. Monocytes differentiate into macrophages. The main signs of this stage of the wound healing cycle are pain, swelling, increased temperature, redness, and loss of function in the injured area, in this case, the shoulder.ย 
  3. Ilย proliferativeย phase is the third phase of theย wound healingย process. During proliferation, angiogenesis or bloodย vessel formation, re-epithelializationย of the wound site, extracellularย matrix formation,ย andย collagenย synthesisย occur at injured sites. Thisย is theย proliferative phase whereย trigger points and scar tissueย form andย muscle spasms andย fascialย restrictions occur.
  4. Il maturation or remodeling phase is theย finalย phaseย of wound healing. During thisย phase, blood vessels matureย andย degenerate,ย and collagenย is remodeled.

Chronic and non-healing wounds are characterized byย disruption ofย the wound-healing cycle.ย Chronic wounds are the ones that take longer than 12 weeks to heal. Increased levels of oxidative stress and inflammation in chronic wounds lead toย the induction ofย senescentย cells.ย In chronic wounds, the wound healing cycle oscillates betweenย phasesย ofย inflammation andย regression, whereย resolution isย not achieved. [3]ย 

Ineffective Treatment for shoulder painย 

Following treatment measures, despite being presumed useful, tend to be ineffective in alleviating shoulder pain.ย 

  1. Application of heat and ice
  2. Electrical stimulation of the site of shoulder pain
  3. Use of foam roller and massaging on the site of shoulder pain
  4. Stretching of the shoulderย 
  5. Dry needlingย 
  6. Mobilization of the shoulder
  7. Strength exercises during the inflammatory stage of the wound healing cycleย 

Effective Treatment Measures for Shoulder Pain

Following are some effective treatment measures that provide natural relief from shoulder pain.ย 

  1. Resolution of the inflammation stage of the wound healing cycle can be achieved by the following measures.ย 

    1. The patient should take adequate rest to promote recovery from shoulder pain.ย 
    2. MagnaHeal device can also be used for alleviating shoulder pain. Based on the intensity of pain, the patient can choose MagnaHeal 1 or MagnaHeal 2, with a magnetic force length of two and three inches, respectively. MagnaHeal Pro is another addition to the list, which has a magnetic force length of 4.5 inches and a treatment area of 8 inches. All of the MagnaHeal devices are coated with anti-inflammatory substances. These devices employ magnetic fields to promote wound healing by stimulating the formation of proteoglycans, collagen, and blood vessels or angiogenesis in the area of the wound. [4]
    3. Individuals with shoulder pain shall consume an anti-inflammatory diet so as to promote resolution of the inflammatory stage of the healing cycle. One shall avoid the intake of refined grains, processed meat, sugary foods, and other dietary constituents that contain pro-inflammatory mediators. An anti-inflammatory diet is comprised of unsaturated fats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and fish. [5]ย 
    4. Shoulder pain can also be alleviated by consuming anti-inflammatory dietary supplements that compensate for the nutrient deficiencies in the human body.ย 
  2. Resolution of the proliferation stage of the wound healing cycle can be achieved by the following measures.ย 

    1. A1 Tool is useful for releasing both superficial and deep fascia restrictions.ย 
    2. A3 Tool is useful for releasing superficial scar tissue and superficial muscle trigger points.ย 
    3. A5 Tool is useful for releasing deeper scar tissues, deeper muscle trigger points, and endomysium, epimysium, and perimysium fascia restrictions.
  3. Another important strategy to reduce shoulder pain is to stop repetitive movements at the shoulder joint, which may otherwise cause bursitis and aggravate shoulder pain.ย 


ASTR offers a comprehensive treatment approach to recovery from shoulder pain, which is a commonly reported orthopedic problem. Shoulder pain stems from a number of causes, including occupational repetitive activities at the shoulder joint and different sports. Resolution of shoulder pain is largely based on the resolution of the two stages of the wound healing cycle โ€“ inflammation and proliferation, in order to achieve maturation of the wound. Important ASTR tools include A1, A3, and A5 for releasing fascia restrictions, muscle trigger points, and scar tissue. MagnaHeal devices (MagnaHeal 1, MagnaHeal 2, and MagnaHeal Pro) along with anti-inflammatory supplements offered by ASTR can be used for the resolution of inflammation stage of the healing cycle. ย 


  1. [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. Shoulder pain: Overview. 2020 Feb 13.ย Available from:
  2. Guo, S., & Dipietro, L. A. (2010). Factors affecting wound healing.ย Journal of dental research,ย 89(3), 219โ€“229.
  3. Wilkinson, H. N., & Hardman, M. J. (2020). Wound healing: cellular mechanisms and pathological outcomes.ย Open biology,ย 10(9), 200223.
  4. Henry, S. L., Concannon, M. J., & Yee, G. J. (2008). The effect of magnetic fields on wound healing: experimental study and review of the literature.ย Eplasty,ย 8, e40.
  5. Dragan, S., ศ˜erban, M. C., Damian, G., Buleu, F., Valcovici, M., & Christodorescu, R. (2020). Dietary Patterns and Interventions to Alleviate Chronic Pain.ย Nutrients,ย 12(9), 2510.