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Tendinitis: Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms & Treatment


What is Tendinitis?

Tendinitis refers the inflammation of a tendon.  Tendons are strong fibers that hold muscles to bones and are less flexible than muscles are.  Placing to much tension on the muscle may cause the tendon to tear or stretch beyond its threshold and cause pain and inflammation.

Causes and Risk Factors of Tendinitis

  1. Age (>40)
  2. Uso eccessivo
  3. Impact
  4. Overloading the tendon
  5. Diabete
  6. Gonorrhea or infection
  7. Antibiotics (ciprofloxacin/levofloxacin)
  8. Artrite reumatoide
  9. Gotta
  10. Artrite psoriasica
  11. Thyroid disorders

Tendinitis Symptoms

  1. Pain sudden or severe
  2. Spalla congelata
  3. Knee, Hip, Ankle, Elbow, Hand, or Foot Pain

Treatment of Tendonitis

ASTR tratta tendonitis in modo dolce, efficace e naturale affrontando squilibri muscolari, tessuto cicatriziale, punti trigger, restrizioni fasciali, infiammazioni, postura, meccanica corporea che spesso sono all'origine del dolore. ASTR adotta un approccio olistico per affrontare le cause profonde del dolore, non solo i sintomi. Il trattamento ASTR può essere fatto a casa per tendonitis.

Tendinitis Home Treatment

ASTR eccezionalmente diverso

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