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Thoracic Vascular Outlet Syndrome: Symptoms & Treatment

Vascular thoracic outlet syndrome is when a vein or artery is compressed under the clavicle or collarbone. 

Symptoms of Vascular Thoracic Outlet Syndrome:

  1. Lack of blood flow
  2. Bluish hands
  3. Pain and or swelling in the arm
  4. Blood clots in upper body 
  5. Pallor of the finger or entire hand
  6. Weak or undetectable pulse in the arm
  7. Cold fingers
  8. Arm fatigue
  9. Numbness or tingling in the arm or fingers
  10. Appearance of lump near clavicle.

Thoracic Vascular Outlet Syndrome Treatment 

ASTR tratta thoracic outlet syndrome in modo dolce, efficace e naturale affrontando squilibri muscolari, tessuto cicatriziale, punti trigger, restrizioni fasciali, infiammazioni, postura, meccanica corporea che spesso sono all'origine del dolore. ASTR adotta un approccio olistico per affrontare le cause profonde del dolore, non solo i sintomi. Il trattamento ASTR può essere fatto a casa per Vascular thoracic outlet syndrome.

Thoracic Vascular Outlet Syndrome Home Treatment

ASTR eccezionalmente diverso

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