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Spinal Stenosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


What is Spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is when the spacing in the spinal canal narrows or start to shrink.  This can cause pressure to build up with the canal and put pressure on the nerve root and/or on the spine.  Spinal stenosis tends to be more common in individuals over the age of 50.  

Causes of Spinal Stenosis

  1. トラウマ 
  2. 変形性関節症 
  3. 関節リウマチ 
  4. Degenerative joint disease
  5. Genetic/ heredity 
  6. Tumors on the spine
  7. Paget’s disease 
  8. Calcium deposits in the spine ligaments

Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis

  1. Pain in the neck or back 
  2. Weakness of the muscles 
  3. Tingling, numbness or cramping in the arms or legs
  4. Pain that radiates down the legs 
  5. Flexing trunk or sitting generally relieves symptoms
  6. Severe spinal stenosis patients may suffer from bladder or bowel problems 

Treatment of Spinal Stenosis

ASTRは扱います spinal stenosis 筋肉の不均衡、瘢痕組織、トリガーポイント、筋膜の制限、炎症、姿勢、痛みの原因となることが多い身体の力学に対処することにより、穏やかで効果的かつ自然な方法で。 ASTRは、症状だけでなく、痛みの根本原因に対処するために全体的なアプローチを取ります。 ASTR治療は自宅で行うことができます spinal stenosis.

Spinal Stenosis Home Treatment



