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Stop Foot Pain Naturally: Symptoms, Causes, Consequences, Healing Cycle & Treatment

What is foot pain? 

Approximately 17-42% of adults experience foot pain, which is disabling in nature in about half of these cases. This can occur following perceived damage to bones, joints, ligaments, and other tissue distal to the fibula and tibia. Tissue damage can be associated with thermal, chemical, or mechanical stimulation, which can be related to systemic pathology, direct trauma, infection, or musculoskeletal overload. [1] The following sections discuss the causes and risk factors of foot pain, the role of the normal healing cycle, chronic wound healing, and therapeutic measures to effectively alleviate foot pain. 

Causes and Risk Factors of Foot Pain

The causes and risk factors of foot pain are enlisted below. [1]

  1. Bad shoes
  2. Ankle sprain
  3. Gait abnormalities
  4. Achilles tendonitis 
  5. 足底筋膜炎 
  6. Excessive pronation of the foot 
  7. Heel spur 
  8. 滑液包炎 
  9. 関節リウマチ 
  10. 痛風 
  11. 末梢神経障害 
  12. Male gender 
  13. Sports including running, jumping, and tennis 
  14. Running in worn-out shoes 
  15. Tight calf muscles 
  16. Bone spur
  17. Diseases including psoriasis and high blood pressure 
  18. Medications including fluoroquinolones and other antibiotics 

Consequences of Foot Pain 

Foot pain has varying consequences related to the mental function, physical function, and social life of affected individuals. Concerning social life, foot pain may cause failure to pursue hobbies, reduces social functioning, and contribute to school absenteeism. Foot reduces the quality of life, causes sleep disturbances, increases the use of analgesic drugs, and also increases interpersonal strain and depression. In the context of physical functioning, foot pain elicits fear of re-injury upon movement, resulting in reduced physical activity. [1] 


The normal healing of a wound is a biological phenomenon occurring in the human body. The phases of wound healing comprise hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and maturation, also known as remodeling. In order to achieve optimal wound healing, the phase mentioned above must progress in a sequential manner and within a proper time duration. Following is a detailed description of different phases of wound healing including relevant physiological and cellular events that occur during the normal healing cycle. [2]

Stage 説明


During the hemostasis phase of wound healing, the vessels supplying to the wound area constrict. The platelets aggregate together, followed by the formation of fibrin from fibrinogen. This promotes the development of a thrombus, simply known as a blot cot. 


Hemostasis is followed by the inflammatory stage of the normal healing cycle. During this phase, the inflammatory cells infiltrate the site of injury. These cells include neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. Tissue macrophages arise from monocytes. Loss of function, pain, increased temperature, and redness are the cardinal signs of this phase of the wound healing cycle. 


This is the third phase of the normal wound-healing process. During the proliferation stage, the wound exhibits the formation of new blood vessels, also known as angiogenesis. Other processes involved in this phase of the wound-healing cycle include the re-epithelization of the wound region, the production of collagen, and the formation of the extracellular matrix in the injured area. The proliferation stage is also marked by the formation of trigger points, scar tissue, muscle spasms, and fascia restrictions. 


This stage of the wound healing cycle, also known as remodeling, denotes the last stage of the cycle. During the maturation phase, the collagen undergoes remodeling along with the maturation and regression of the blood vessels. 


Healing Cycle in Chronic Conditions 

In chronic conditions, the wound healing cycle is characterized by substantial derangement with a lack of sequential and timely progression of each stage of the wound healing cycle. In chronic conditions, the wound takes more than 12 weeks to heal. Increased inflammation and oxidative stress in wounds subjected to chronic healing, cause senescent cell induction. The persistent oscillation between the inflammation and proliferation stages of the healing cycle and the failure to reach the maturation stage is the hallmark of chronic wound healing. [3]

Ineffective Treatment for foot pain 

Following is an array of therapeutic measures that are commonly used by the general population, athletes, and even health practitioners to alleviate foot pain. 

  1. Application of heat and ice
  2. Electrical stimulation of the site of foot pain 
  3. Use of foam roller and massaging on the site of foot pain or injury
  4. Stretching of the foot 
  5. Mobilization of the foot
  6. Strength exercises during the inflammatory phase of the wound healing cycle 

Effective Treatment Measures 

In the given table are effective therapeutic measures that are scientifically proven to alleviate pain and resolve the aberrant wound healing cycle, targeting foot pain and providing relief. 

処理 説明

Normal gait 

  • One should practice walking with a normal gait to promote recovery from foot pain.

Good shoes 

  • One should wear good shoes that provide adequate support to the foot and promote recovery from foot pain.

Correct foot pronation

  • One should practice correct pronation of the foot to promote healing and recovery from foot pain.

Resolution of inflammation stage of the wound healing cycle 

  • Adequate rest is important for the recovery from foot pain and the resolution of the inflammation phase of the healing cycle.
  • The MagnaHeal employs magnetic fields to promote wound healing by influencing proteoglycans, angiogenesis, and collagen. [4] 
  • Anti-inflammatory supplements counter the nutrient deficiencies that are implicated in aberrant wound healing. 
  • The consumption of an anti-inflammatory diet is also pivotal to the alleviation of foot pain.

Resolution of the proliferation stage of the wound healing cycle

  • A1 Tool releases superficial and deep fascia restrictions.
  • A3 Tool releases superficial scar tissue and superficial muscle trigger points.
  • A5 releases deep scar tissue, deeper muscle trigger points, and fascia restrictions of the endomysium, epimysium, and perimysium. 



Foot pain is a disabling and debilitating pathology that affects a substantial proportion of the adult population. Foot pain may emerge from systemic disease or may be a consequence of poor daily habits such as abnormal gait and wearing worn-out shoes. To resolve the aberrant wound healing cycle in chronic foot pain, one shall consume an anti-inflammatory diet and supplements, along with the appropriate use of ASTR Tools for releasing scar tissue, fascia restrictions, and muscle trigger points. 


  1. Hawke, F., & Burns, J. (2009). Understanding the nature and mechanism of foot pain. Journal of foot and ankle research2, 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/1757-1146-2-1
  2. Guo, S., & Dipietro, L. A. (2010). Factors affecting wound healing. Journal of dental research89(3), 219–229. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022034509359125
  3. Hubbard, T. J., & Wikstrom, E. A. (2010). Ankle sprain: pathophysiology, predisposing factors, and management strategies. Open access journal of sports medicine1, 115–122. https://doi.org/10.2147/oajsm.s9060
  4. Henry, S. L., Concannon, M. J., & Yee, G. J. (2008). The effect of magnetic fields on wound healing: experimental study and review of the literature. Eplasty8, e40.