

Plagiocephaly: Symptoms & Treatment

What is Plagiocephaly?

Plagiocephaly is where an infant’s skull is flattened on one side of the posterior or anterior part of the head.  It can be present at birth or develop during infancy, which can be positional or a developmental deformation.  Plagiocephaly can cause parts of the brain that are being constricted by the flat area of the skull can become underdeveloped. Muscular torticollis is a condition that commonly causes the neck muscles to pull tightly on the skull and can cause plagiocephaly.  If this condition is caught early changes can be made to promote normal growth of the brain and skull.  

Symptoms of Plagiocephaly

  1. Infants with a flat side at the back of the skull
  2. Symmetrically flat spot at the back of the head or it can be present in the forehead
  3. Some mild developmental delays can occur with positional plagiocephaly

Plagiocephaly Treatment

ASTRは扱います plagiocephaly 筋肉の不均衡、瘢痕組織、トリガーポイント、筋膜の制限、炎症、姿勢、痛みの原因となることが多い身体の力学に対処することにより、穏やかで効果的かつ自然な方法で。 ASTRは、症状だけでなく、痛みの根本原因に対処するために全体的なアプローチを取ります。 ASTR治療は自宅で行うことができます plagiocephaly.

Plagiocephaly Home Treatment



