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Trigger Point


What Trigger Points Feels Like?

Trigger points feel like tight, dense areas, or “knots” within a muscle. In a trigger point, the muscle tissue has involuntarily sustained a contraction that has caused it to tighten. Trigger points can be found in non-contractile tissues as well, such as scar tissue, ligaments, and tendons, and they can produce back, neck, or jaw pain. Trigger points are occasionally diagnosed incorrectly as arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, or tennis elbow.

Symptoms of a Trigger Point 


Symptoms of trigger points include:       

  1. 두통

  2. 만성 통증
  3. 마비 또는 따끔 거림
  4. Nausea
  5. Dizziness

How ASTR Treats Trigger Points


Advanced Soft Tissue Release(ASTR로 약칭)는 환자가 경험하는 방식에 혁명을 일으키고 있는 새로운 도수 치료 전문 분야입니다. 장기간 pain relief. The ASTR specialty includes techniques for neuromuscular re-education as it stimulates Golgi Tendon Organs (sensory receptors responsible for decreasing tension in the muscle)to decrease muscle hypertonicity and release trigger points. ASTR treats pain in a gentle, effective, and natural way, and takes a holistic approach to address the root causes of pain, not just the symptoms. Many patients experience relief from pain after their first treatment! ASTR이 어떻게 도움이 되는지 알아보십시오. 또는 추천 동영상 보기 ASTR 치료를 통해 통증 완화를 경험한 환자로부터.

Trigger Points Release: Tigger Points Release At Home

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