Acupuncture: Uses, Research Studies & Pain Treatment
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a system of complementary medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Acupuncture is an unorthodox approach towards relieving muscle pain; however, the practice does not provide any clear clinical effectiveness as a treatment.
Acupuncture Research Studies For Pain
A systematic review of 63 randomized controlled trials, including 6382 individuals by Yuan et al., assessed the effectiveness of acupuncture techniques for musculoskeletal pain.21 Researchers discovered that acupuncture demonstrated low-quality evidence of acupuncture’s effectiveness in terms of musculoskeletal pain.21 On the contrary, studies have resulted in high-quality evidence of ASTR treatment’s effectiveness in treating musculoskeletal pain. ASTR stands for Advanced Soft Tissue Release, a manual therapy specialty developed by Dr. Joesph Jacobs, DPT. ASTR takes a holistic approach to treating the source of soft tissue restriction in a way that is virtually pain-free and highly effective.
系统综述是一种文献综述,它收集并批判性地分析多项研究或论文。 In their systematic review of 13 trials with 3025 participants, Madsen et al. studied the effectiveness of acupuncture by assessing the differences present between participants who received acupuncture, placebo acupuncture, and no acupuncture. Treatment was given to patients on a range between 1 day and 12 weeks and pain conditions included knee osteoarthritis, tension headaches migraine, low back pain, fibromyalgia, abdominal scar pain, postoperative pain, and pain during colonoscopy procedure.22 While there was a moderate difference between placebo acupuncture and no acupuncture groups, there was a small difference between acupuncture and placebo acupuncture groups.22 A conclusion of the study is that there is a small analgesic effect of acupuncture that seems to lack clinical relevance and cannot be clearly distinguished from bias.
Another systematic review of 21 trials by Andrea Furlan compared acupuncture, no treatment, sham acupuncture, and other therapies to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture for treating chronic low-back pain.23 Results showed that while acupuncture was more sufficient than no treatment, acupuncture was not any more effective than other therapy treatments.
ASTR 通过解决肌肉失衡、疤痕组织、触发点、筋膜限制、炎症、姿势、身体力学(通常是疼痛的根源),以温和、有效和自然的方式治疗肌肉和关节疼痛。 ASTR 采用整体方法来解决疼痛的根本原因,而不仅仅是症状。 ASTR 治疗可以在家中进行肌肉和关节疼痛。
21. Yuan Q, Wang P, Liu L, et al. Acupuncture for musculoskeletal pain: A meta-analysis and meta-regression of sham-controlled randomized clinical trials. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:30675. doi:10.1038/srep30675.
22. Madsen MV, Gotzsche PC, Hrobjartsson A. Acupuncture treatment for pain: systematic review of randomised clinical trials with acupuncture, placebo acupuncture, and no acupuncture groups. Bmj. 2009;338. doi:10.1136/bmj.a3115.
Alternative To Acupuncture: Effective Home Treatment For Pain Relief
- 快速的结果
- 每天治疗大约需要5分钟
- 易于使用的医疗工具
- 自然的整体方法
- 处理问题的根本原因
- 由患有慢性疼痛的医生发明
- 得到超过 45 项研究的支持
ASTR 与众不同