
Arthritis: Symptoms, Examples & Treatment 

Arthritis Statistics

Arthritis is a complex musculoskeletal disorder with over 100 different types of arthritis or related conditions. It affects over 50 million americans of all ages, sexes, and races.

Arthritis symptoms

 Arthritis is commonly in the join and can cause, stiffness, swelling, and chronic pain. 

Examples of Arthritis:

Some examples of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, and juvenile arthritis.  

Treatment for Arthritis

ASTR treats arthritis 以温和、有效和自然的方式解决肌肉失衡、疤痕组织、触发点、筋膜限制、炎症、姿势、身体力学,这些通常是疼痛的根源。 ASTR 采用整体方法来解决疼痛的根本原因,而不仅仅是症状。 ASTR 治疗可以在家中进行 关节炎。

Arthritis Home Treatment

ASTR 与众不同


