

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary with each person and we cannot guarantee that you will experience the same results found in our testimonial and treatment videos. Each individual is different and one person’s success is not a guaranteed result.

The videos & website information are not intended to provide diagnosis, treatments, opinions, services or advice to any viewers. Through our social media, courses and website we introduce you to new ideas for treatment, intended to be researched and expand general knowledge. The content in our website, any videos or social media posts can not be substituted for professional assistance. If you are concerned over a medical issue, please consult your healthcare provider, physician, or other medical professional. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. 

Dr. Joseph Jacobs and ASTR institute are in no way responsible or liable for any actions, services or products acquired through this website, our videos, or social media posts. ASTR institute nor its associated organizations or people are not responsible for any injury or harm caused by the application of information in our courses, website and social media post. It is recommended that you review your questions and/or concerns with a medical professional. Use our information at your own risk. The content on our courses, website, social media posts cannot be substituted for professional assistance. If you are concerned about a medical issue, please consult your healthcare provider, physician, or other medical professional.

Ask ASTR Disclaimer

Ask ASTR is an artificial intelligence software that helps users figure out the cause of their health symptoms. Ask ASTR is a beta product and under constant development and updates. It is the users responsibility to answer questions accurately, in order to receive the best recommendations for their condition. Inaccurate user answers will lead to inaccurate system recommendations. 

The statements by our software have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The recommendations provided cannot be substituted for professional assistance. If you are concerned about a medical issue, please consult your healthcare provider, physician, or other medical professional. Dr. Joseph Jacobs and ASTR institute are in no way responsible or liable for any actions, services or products acquired through this website. ASTR institute and its associated organizations or people are not responsible for any injury or harm caused by using our system. It is recommended that you review your questions and/or concerns with a medical professional. Use at your own risk. If you are concerned about a medical issue, please consult your healthcare provider, physician, or other medical professional. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. 

Healthcare Provider Courses Disclaimer

ASTR institute and ASTR courses are intended as advanced training for healthcare providers and physicians. These courses alone do not confer upon an unlicensed practitioner the legal authority to implement the information in these courses upon patients or clients. Some of the information in these courses may be beyond the scope of a private practice of healthcare who is not licensed as, or supervised by a physician, or other appropriately licensed practitioner. Before utilizing the information or techniques presented in these courses on patients or clients, an unlicensed practitioner, or a practitioner with a restrictive license (such as a pharmacist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, chiropractor, nurse, dietician, etc) should check with the relevant practice acts in his/her state to ensure that the practitioner’s use of the modalities, therapies, or techniques set forth in these courses is consistent with state law.

Self-Treatment Programs Disclaimer

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The content on our courses cannot be substituted for professional assistance. If you are concerned about a medical issue, please consult your healthcare provider, physician, or other medical professional. Dr. Joseph Jacobs and ASTR institute are in no way responsible or liable for any actions, services or products acquired through this website. ASTR institute and its associated organizations or people are not responsible for any injury or harm caused by the application of ASTR tools. ASTR tools are generally safe when practiced with proper technique and care. It is recommended that you review your questions and/or concerns with a medical professional. Stop using immediately if painful, if condition worsens or if it causes bruising.  Use at your own risk. If you are concerned over a medical issue, please consult your healthcare provider, physician, or other medical professional. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. 

Telehealth Consultation & Evaluation


Magnet – MagnaHeal Disclaimer

ASTR Institute is not liable or responsible for any injury, destruction or harm the MagnaHeal or magnets may cause as a result of its use. Before purchasing the MagnaHeal, the purchaser attests that they have read and understand the following warnings:

禁忌症: 如果您有以下情況之一,應避免使用 MagnaHeal:

購買者證明他/她對 MagnaHeal 可能造成的所有傷害和損害承擔 100% 責任。這包括對自己或他人的傷害、財產損失和 MagnaHeal 損壞。購買者在購買 MagnaHeal 之前必須同意這些條款。

ASTR 研究所將提供 MagnaHeal 拉力的估計值,但我們不對磁鐵拉力的任何差異或不准確負責。請在使用前測試拉力。

MagnaHeal is very powerful. It is essential that it be handled carefully to avoid damage to the magnet and injury to self or others. Magnets that are the same size or larger than a 3 inch cube have the potential to cause very serious damage to fingers if the fingers are caught in between the 2 magnets. Bones can break and fingertips can be lost.

MagnaHeal 是易碎的。如果它被掉落或擊中,它可能會斷裂或分裂。握住和使用 MagnaHeal 時請戴上手套和防護眼鏡,因為碎片和/或墊片可能會分開並從 MagnaHeal 中飛出。