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Dry Needle: Uses, Outcome, Research Studies & Treatment


What is dry needling?

Dry needling is a technique that requires the insertion of thin monofilament needles without the use of injectate (steroids and anesthetics) into the muscles, ligaments, tendons, subcutaneous fascia, and scar tissue.1 The technique is commonly used to treat these things stated above and also the body’s peripheral nerves and neurovascular bundles for the management of variety of neuromusculoskeletal pain syndromes.1

What does dry needling treat?

Dry needling can be used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal problems.3 This includes neck, back, and shoulder pain, tension headaches and migraines, and jaw pain.  Also, it is often used to treat myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) which are localized hypersensitive spots in palpable taut band of muscle.2 

Outcome of dry needling

Several studies have shown improvements in pain and/or disabilities are immediate or short-term by targeting trigger points (TrPs) using in-and-out techniques as in ‘sparrow pecking’ or ‘pistoning’.1 Although dry needling has been shown to immediately increase the pressure pain threshold (PPT) and range of motion, decrease muscle tone, and decrease pain with musculoskeletal conditions, there is a lacking of evidence that there is any long-term benefits.To date there in not any high-quality, long term trials that supporting in-and-out needling techniques at exclusively muscular TrPs exist.1  

Effective Pain Treatment  

ASTR 通過解決肌肉失衡、疤痕組織、觸發點、筋膜限制、炎症、姿勢、身體力學(通常是疼痛的根源),以溫和、有效和自然的方式治療肌肉和關節疼痛。 ASTR 採用整體方法來解決疼痛的根本原因,而不僅僅是症狀。 ASTR 治療可以在家中進行肌肉和關節疼痛。


  1. Dunning J, Butts R, Mourad F, Young I, Flannagan S, Perreault T. Dry needling: a literature review with implications for clinical practice guidelines. Physical Therapy Reviews. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4117383/. Published August 2014. Accessed June 14, 2017. 
  2. Gattie E, Cleland JA, Snodgrass S. The Effectiveness of Trigger Point Dry Needling for Musculoskeletal Conditions by Physical Therapists: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 骨科與運動物理治療雜誌. 2017;47(3):133-149.
  3. Trigger Point Dry Needling. Release Physical Therapy. http://www.releasept.com/physical-therapy-services/dry-needle/. Accessed June 16, 2017. 

More Effective Treatment Than Dry Needling

ASTR 與眾不同


