
Functional Medicine Certificate Course: Definition, Treats, Purpose, Research Study & Review

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine or (高級臨床營養 (ACN)) is a systematic approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Functional Medicine practitioners can create a personalized treatment plan for an individual patient by assessing their genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors. Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing factors impacting an individual’s illness. One of the most critical questions Functional Medicine practitioners will ask themselves and their patients is, “Why are you experiencing these current symptoms or medical conditions?”

The Purpose of Functional Medicine

The purpose of a Functional Medicine practitioner is to understand the patient’s story to recognize clinically relevant patterns within the symptoms and characteristics of chronic disorders to address the antecedent of disease and concentrate on preventative care. The Functional Medicine practitioner can then support the client’s well-being by acknowledging their beliefs, attitudes, and motivations through physical, mental, and emotional aspects, to help the client achieve optimal health. ASTR provides the proper training that clinicians will need to perform a proper evaluation in order to recognize internal and external factors that may cause a physiological imbalance or dysfunction and restore optimal function while managing symptoms and enhancing overall health. By accurately evaluating the patient with up to date medical research studies, patients will experience the best possible outcomes.

Functional Medicine Treats:

功能醫學還表明,營養在體內大量代謝網絡中的細胞代謝中起著至關重要的作用,這些代謝網絡受個體一生中獨特的遺傳、生化和生活方式因素的影響。功能醫學從業者將能夠確定長期營養不足對慢性病發展的影響。例如,抑鬱症可能由許多不同的因素引起,包括炎症、荷爾蒙失調、高毒性水平、不良飲食或以下一種或多種因素的缺乏:維生素 D、 ,鋅,B族維生素等。高級臨床營養師(功能醫學從業者)接受適當的培訓,以評估患者抑鬱或其他狀況的根本原因。


根據功能醫學研究所的數據,頭痛是導致殘疾的第二大原因,偏頭痛是最普遍的。一些偏頭痛可能與某些食物引發的炎症有關。然而,2007 年的一項研究表明,營養補充劑(例如輔酶 Q10 和檸檬酸鎂或左旋肉鹼)以及消除食物的飲食(例如引起全身性炎症的飲食(例如消除 IgG 抗體的飲食))可以在沒有藥物干預的情況下抑制偏頭痛症狀. 2017 年進行的另一項研究提供的證據表明,富含多不飽和 omega-3 脂肪酸的食物還可以有效地減輕偏頭痛症狀,從而改善患者的生活質量。隨著關於營養與疾病之間關係的大量研究,功能醫學從業者有能力治療和預防各種慢性疾病。


https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/pain-non-drug-therapies-for-migraine-patients/ - 實例探究

Functional Medicine Online Certificate Course

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