
Published Study: 87% LONG-TERM pain relief with ASTR Treatment!



Study Findings


The study included 149 patients who came to outpatient physical therapy clinic with several types of soft tissue injuries of the neck. 32 patients didn’t meet the criteria, 12 discontinued ASTR treatment prior to completing the program; 105 were included in the study and only 47 were able to be contacted for long-term follow up questionnaire. The results were outstanding in that 83% of patients experienced pain relief after the treatment and 97% felt relief within the first two treatments. Almost (44%) half of the subjects had received previous treatment that was unsuccessful. A follow up was done for all patients of which 45% responded and 87% were still pain free one to two years after treatment. On September 1, 2016, the study was officially published in the Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology.


什麼是 ASTR?

高級軟組織釋放 (ASTR) 正在改變患者的體驗方式 長期 緩解疼痛.該專業通過使用獨特的患者評估來解決急性和慢性疼痛, 戰術性起草的治療方案, 戰略設計 p關注的 樂器,以及超過 125 種獨特的動作。 ASTR 從源頭解決營養問題,以減輕疼痛、增加運動範圍並幫助改善人們的生活質量。


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“我一直對強直性脊柱病的惡化影響感到困擾。在擁有以後 住在一起 病了40多年,我懷疑是否有可能緩解。令我驚訝的是,我經歷了 一節課後立即緩解.我非常欣賞你所做的工作。” 威廉·K·Back Pain(加利福尼亞州維耶荷任務)


“在遭受以下影響後 顳下頜關節 和 頭痛 痛了差不多 5年,Jacobs 醫生使用他的高級軟組織釋放術緩解了我的疼痛 幾分鐘.他的技術非常 溫和的 而且一點都不痛。” Lindsay J. TMJ(加利福尼亞州阿利索維耶荷)


