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Shoulder Dislocation: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment 

What Is Shoulder Dislocation?

A shoulder dislocation is when the top of a person’s arm comes out of the socket.  This is because the shoulder joint is generally unstable making it more likely to slip out of place.  A shoulder dislocation usually causes the tissues and nerves surrounding the shoulder joint to become damaged. Many shoulder dislocations can cause chronic instability and weakness within the joint.  Complications from shoulder dislocations may include muscle, ligaments, and tendon tears, damage to the nerve or blood vessels or the shoulder, and the shoulder becoming unstable.

Causes of Shoulder Dislocation 

  1. Falling on Shoulder 
  2. Being hit on shoulder
  3. Falling on an outstretched arm 
  4. Twisting arm       
  5. Shoulder Dislocation Symptoms 
  6. Pain within the shoulder or arm with movement 
  7. Numbness in the shoulder 
  8. A bump may appear in the front of back of the shoulder 

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment

Gâteries ASTR shoulder dislocation de manière douce, efficace et naturelle en traitant les déséquilibres musculaires, les tissus cicatriciels, les points gâchettes,  restrictions des fascias, inflammation, posture, mécanique corporelle qui sont souvent à l'origine de la douleur. ASTR adopte une approche holistique pour traiter les causes profondes de la douleur, pas seulement les symptômes. Le traitement ASTR peut être fait à la maison pour shoulder dislocation.

Shoulder Dislocation Home Treatment

ASTR exceptionnellement différent

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