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Functional Medicine Treatment in Boise, ID

Functional Medicine is a systematic approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. One of the most important questions functional medicine practitioners at ASTR institute will ask themselves and their patients is “Why are you experiencing these current symptoms or medical conditions?” Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing factors impacting an individual’s illness. By properly evaluating the patient with up to date medical research studies, patients will experience best outcomes.

Functional Medicine Treatment Example

For example, depression can be caused by many different factors, including inflammation, hormonal imbalance, high toxicity level, poor diet, deficiency in one or a combination of the following: vitamin D, マグネシウム, zinc, B vitamins etc.  At ASTR, we provide an up-to-date functional medicine approach that helps patients return to their normal activities by addressing the root cause of their problem. 

The following common conditions treated with Functional Medicine In Boise:

  1. 慢性疲労
  2. 線維筋痛症
  3. 自己免疫疾患
  4. 糖尿病
  5. Overweight
  6. 免疫力の低下
  7. 高血圧
  8. 高コレステロール
  9. 消化の問題
  10. 甲状腺の問題
  11. 神経障害
  12. 片頭痛
  13. アレルギー
  14. 喘息
  15. 関節炎
  16. 不安
  17. 骨粗鬆症
  18. 睡眠時無呼吸
  19. 関節リウマチ
  20. 脳卒中
  21. 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD
  22. アルツハイマー病
  23. 認知症
  24. 強直性脊椎炎
  25. 注意欠陥/多動性障害(ADHD)
  26. 発作

What’s included in the Functional Medicine evaluation in Boise:

  1. 健康問題と痛みの評価
  2. 栄養スクリーニング
  3. 臨床検査結果の評価
  4. 補足評価
  5. ライフスタイル分析
  6. 問題の根本原因について話し合う
  7. カスタマイズされた治療計画

What’s included in the functional medicine follow-up session in Boise:

  1. 問題の根本原因について話し合う
  2. カスタマイズされた治療計画
  3. 要求された臨床検査結果を確認する
  4. 補足の再評価


