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Functional Medicine Treatment in Boise, ID

Functional Medicine is a systematic approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. One of the most important questions functional medicine practitioners at ASTR institute will ask themselves and their patients is “Why are you experiencing these current symptoms or medical conditions?” Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing factors impacting an individual’s illness. By properly evaluating the patient with up to date medical research studies, patients will experience best outcomes.

Functional Medicine Treatment Example

For example, depression can be caused by many different factors, including inflammation, hormonal imbalance, high toxicity level, poor diet, deficiency in one or a combination of the following: vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins etc.  At ASTR, we provide an up-to-date functional medicine approach that helps patients return to their normal activities by addressing the root cause of their problem. 

The following common conditions treated with Functional Medicine In Boise:

  1. Chronische vermoeidheid
  2. Fibromyalgie
  3. Auto-immuunziekten
  4. suikerziekte
  5. Overgewicht
  6. Gecompromitteerd immuunsysteem
  7. Hoge bloeddruk
  8. Hoge cholesterol
  9. Spijsverteringsproblemen
  10. Schildklierproblemen
  11. neuropathie
  12. migraine
  13. allergieën
  14. Astma
  15. Artritis
  16. Spanning
  17. osteoporose
  18. Slaapapneu
  19. Reumatoïde artritis
  20. Hartinfarct
  21. Chronische obstructieve longziekte (COPD
  22. ziekte van Alzheimer
  23. Dementie
  24. Spondylitis ankylopoetica
  25. Aandachtstekort/hyperactiviteitsstoornis (ADHD)
  26. epileptische aanvallen

What’s included in the Functional Medicine evaluation in Boise:

  1. Gezondheidsproblemen en pijnbeoordeling
  2. Voedingsscreening
  3. Beoordeling van laboratoriumtestresultaten
  4. Suppletiebeoordeling
  5. Lifestyle analyse
  6. Bespreek de oorzaak van uw probleem
  7. Behandelplan op maat

What’s included in the functional medicine follow-up session in Boise:

  1. Bespreek de oorzaak van uw probleem
  2. Behandelplan op maat
  3. Beoordeel de gevraagde laboratoriumtestresultaten
  4. Suppletie herbeoordeling

ASTR (Functional Medicine) Exceptionally Different

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