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IASTM - Graston Treatment: Definition, Theory & Treatment

O que é a Técnica Graston?

Graston technique is desgined to break down scar tisue by producing microtraumas in hopes of creating inflammation to kickstart the healing process. However, by creating more inflammation, Graston may be causing less benefits than currently believed. 

Graston Technique Theory

According to Spine-health, “Patients are advised they may be sore, bruised, or exhibit small red dots over the area treated, called petechiae.” By stating that patient’s may be sore after Graston treatment, it highlights that this IASTM technique is likely promoting further damage instead of rehabilitation. 

Bruising and soreness is indicative of inflammation, which results in the creation of more scar tissue. By increasing inflammation, the muscles become stuck in a cycle of inflammation and proliferation, never reaching full maturation and healing. 

The tools used in Graston technique appear to promote more harmful effects than benefits towards the patient. By doing so, this IASTM technique is working directly against the principle of “Do no harm.” By causing bruising and inflammation, it is likely that Graston is causing more harm than good. 

Tratamento eficaz da IASTM

ASTR treatment understands the healing cycle and how to properly work through inflammation and proliferation to reach the final maturation phase. Using more specialized maneuevers and more comfortable tools for both the patient and the therapist, ASTR benefits its patients and promotes proper healing of scar tissue. 

ASTR trata muscle & joint pain de uma forma suave, eficaz e natural, abordando desequilíbrios musculares, tecido cicatricial, pontos-gatilho, restrições de fáscia, inflamação, postura, mecânica corporal que muitas vezes são a fonte da dor. ASTR adota uma abordagem holística para abordar as causas da dor, não apenas os sintomas. O tratamento ASTR pode ser feito em casa para muscle & joint pain

ASTR IASTM/ Graston/ Gua Sha
Long-term results X
Projetado ergonomicamente X
Pain-free treatment X
Superficial scar tissue release
Deep scar tissue release X
Myofascial release X
Liberação do ponto de gatilho X
Diminuir a inflamação X
Exercise protocols X
Treatment protocols X
Modelo biopsicossocial X

ASTR Is Different Than Graston Treatment

Pain Relief Made Easy At Home

ASTR Excepcionalmente diferente

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