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Joint Manipulation – Joint Mobilization: Research Studies & Tratamento 

What is Joint Manipulation – Joint Mobilization?

Joint mobilization is a manual therapy intervention, a type of passive movement of a skeletal joint. It is usually aimed at a ‘target’ synovial joint with the aim of achieving a therapeutic effect. Joint mobilization is used in restoring decreased mobility, however, this method may not be as effective as perceived.

Joint Manipulation – Joint Mobilization: Research Studies

  1. A systematic review is a type of literature review that collect and critically analyze multiple research studies or papers. A systematic review by Rubinstein et al. researched the the effectiveness of spinal manipulation therapy for those suffering from chronic lower back pain.24 This study assessed 26 randomized controlled trials including 6070 participants.24  Evidence showed no significant difference between spinal manipulation therapy and other intervention approaches.24 
  2. A systematic review is a type of literature review that collect and critically analyze multiple research studies or papers. A systematic review published by Canter and Ernst studied the effectiveness of spinal manipulation for treatment of multiple regions of pain, including, but not limited to, back and neck pain.32 16 trials were included for the purpose of this study.32 Evidence suggested that spinal manipulation was ineffective for all evaluated forms of pain.32 

Based on the evidence presented in the included systematic reviews, spinal manipulation does not appear to be an effective form of treatment for different pain types, including back pain.  While spinal manipulation is seen as ineffective, ASTR treatment has shown evidence in a recent study that show it can be effective for many evaluated forms of pain. ASTR stands for Advanced Soft Tissue Release, a manual therapy specialty developed by Dr. Joesph Jacobs, DPT. ASTR takes a holistic approach to treating the source of soft tissue restriction in a way that is virtually pain-free and highly effective.

Tratamento eficaz de alívio da dor

ASTR trata dores musculares e articulares de maneira suave, eficaz e natural, abordando desequilíbrios musculares, tecido cicatricial, pontos-gatilho, restrições de fáscia, inflamação, postura, mecânica corporal que muitas vezes são a fonte da dor. ASTR adota uma abordagem holística para abordar as causas da dor, não apenas os sintomas. O tratamento ASTR pode ser feito em casa para dores musculares e articulares.



24. Rubinstein SM, Terwee CB, Assendelft WJ, Boer MRD, Tulder MWV. Spinal manipulative therapy for acute low-back pain. Spine. 2011;36(13):825-846. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd008880.pub2.

25. Gattie E, Cleland JA, Snodgrass S. The Effectiveness of Trigger Point Dry Needling for Musculoskeletal Conditions by Physical Therapists: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 2017;47(3):133-149. doi:10.2519/jospt.2017.7096.

26.  Dunning J, Butts R, Mourad F, Young I, Flannagan S, Perreault T. Dry needling: a literature review with implications for clinical practice guidelines. Physical Therapy Reviews. 2014;19(4):252-265. doi:10.1179/1743288x13y.0000000118.

27. Morihisa R Eskew J McNamara A, et al. Dry Needling in subject with muscular trigger points in the lower quarter: a systematic review. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2016;11(1):1-14. 

28. Cotchett MP, Landorf KB, Munteanu SE. Efetividade do agulhamento seco e injeções de pontos-gatilho miofasciais associados à dor plantar no calcanhar: uma revisão sistemática. J Pé Tornozelo Res. 2010;3:18.

29. Cummings TM, Branco AR. Terapias com agulhas no manejo da dor em pontos-gatilho miofasciais: uma revisão sistemática.Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001;82:986-92. 

30. Xue CC, Helme RD, Gibson S, et al. Efeito da eletroacupuntura no consumo de opioides em pacientes com dor musculoesquelética crônica: protocolo de um estudo controlado randomizado. Ensaios. 2012;13:169. doi:10.1186/1745-6215-13-169.

31.  Scott N. A., Guo B., Barton P. M., Gerwin R. D. Trigger point injections for chronic non-malignant musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review. Analgésico. 2009;10(1):54–69. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2008.00526.x. 

32. Ernst E, Canter PH. Uma revisão sistemática de revisões sistemáticas de manipulação da coluna vertebral. Jornal da Sociedade Real de Medicina. 2006;99(4):192-196.

Tratamento eficaz de alívio da dor

ASTR Excepcionalmente diferente

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