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Manual Therapy: Definition, Types, Purposes & Styles

What is Manual Therapy?

Manual therapy is a form of physical, hands-on treatment that is used by many types of medical professionals to address musculoskeletal ailments and injuries. The three main types of manual therapy are manipulation, mobilization, and massage. Medical professionals that utilize manual therapy include massage therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, osteopaths, and osteopathic physicians.

1. Manipulation:

Rapid application of force in a rotational, shear, or distraction direction to a joint articulation. This frequently occurs with a popping sound.

2. Mobilization:

Slow, controlled passive movement of a joint to achieve a therapeutic effect.

3. Massage Therapy:

Repetitive kneading, rubbing, or stripping of myofascial tissues to improve interstitial fluid dynamics.

Purposes for Manual Therapy in Physical Therapy

Purposes for manual therapy in physical therapy include:

  1. Decreasing pain
  2. Increase range of motion
  3. Reducing soft tissue inflammation
  4. Inducing relaxation
  5. Improving contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability
  6. Facilitating movement
  7. Improving function

Styles of Manual Therapy 

Acupressure Joint Mobilization Physiotherapy
Anma Massage Therapy Polarity Therapy
ASTR Matrix Energetics Rolfing Structural Integration
Bodywork Manual Lymphatic Drainage Seitai
Bone Setting Medical Acupuncture Spinal Manipulation
Bowen Technique Muscle Energy Techniques Spinal Mobilization
Chiropractic Myofascial release Sotai
Cranio-Sacral Therapy Myotherapy Shiatsu
Dorn Method Naprapathy Traction
Integrative Manual Therapy Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Tui Na
Joint Manipulation Osteopathy Zero Balancing

Manual Therapy and ASTR

ASTR treats pain in a gentle, effective, and natural way by releasing scar tissue, trigger points, and fascia restriction. ASTR takes a holistic approach to address the root causes of pain, not just the symptoms. ASTR manual therapy can be done at home.

Manual Therapy Online Course

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Läkare rekommenderar ASTR


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Vanligtvis skulle jag före ASTR träffa patienter 2-3 månader åt gången för att få de resultat jag får med ASTR. Med ASTR-behandling får jag resultatet på mindre än 5 besök
Derek Biesheuvel, PT
Derek Biesheuvel, PTPhysical Therapist – 20 yrs of practice
“It is different than other classes that I took because it is involve the whole body and det backas upp av forskning och det är effektivt, du kommer att se resultat direkt
Lisa Kwan, PT
Lisa Kwan, PTPhysical Therapist – 18 yrs of practice
ASTR class is solid and the treatment will change your practice… I feel that every physical therapist should know about ASTR… Physical therapist, chiropractors and wellness professional join ASTR classes.”
Dr. Roland Samaniego, DPT
Dr. Roland Samaniego, DPTDoctor of Physical Therapy – 16 yrs of practice
Om du letar efter något som kommer att ge patienterna snabba resultat och tillfredsställande resultat, är detta definitivt kursen du bör ta, learn and use it right away on your patients. I definitely recommend it”
Dr. Amin Nia, DC
Dr. Amin Nia, DCDoctor of Chiropractic – 28 yrs of practice
I have been looking for something like ASTR since then, for 32 years!….You have to take this class från Dr. Jacobs, det här är de bästa resultaten och jag har tittat på allt annat och försökt och tillslut fungerade ingenting och det här är fantastiskt!”
Dr Charles Hough, DC
Dr. Charles Hough, DCDoctor of Chiropractic – 32 yrs of practice
“From chiropractic school we taught to treat the whole body and this is a system (ASTR) that does that in very efficiently way with omedelbara resultat
Dr. Gary Wat, DC
Dr. Gary Wat, DCDoctor of Chiropractic – 14 yrs of practice
"Jag har varit i fysioterapibranschen i över 3 år nu. För 6 månader sedan började jag arbeta med Dr.Jacobs och det måste jag säga Jag har aldrig sett en så framgångsrik takt av patientåterhämtning som jag har här. Dr Joseph Jacobs vet definitivt hur man kommer till roten av patientens åkomma med sina patenterade verktyg och metoder för sjukgymnastik. Jag var skeptisk till en början, men efter att upprepade gånger ha sett patienters tillfrisknande har jag kommit att tro på hans praxis. Jag är stolt över att vara en del av att hjälpa patienter med deras tillfrisknande.”
DeeAnn Pop
DeeAnn PopPreviews Coworker
“Dr. Jacobs is very knowledgable, I respect him a lot….Om du vill förbättra din träning måste du ta ASTR-klassen. This something will be bigger and bigger in the future”
Dr Niklas Fougner, DC
Dr. Niklas Fougner, DCDoctor of Chiropractic – 20 yrs of practice
“ASTR is a very unique concept and discipline by itself, you can not learn this anywhere else. I have not seen or practiced anything as unique as ASTR. You can not say I graduated and get all the knowledge that I need, du måste prova ASTR eftersom det fungerar och jag rekommenderar det starkt
Rabih Mezher, OT
Rabih Mezher, OTOccupational Therapist
“Dr. Jacobs is pioneer, he came up with much easier applications that does very quick myofascial release. It is very easy on the patient and on the practitioner who apply it. Jag är extremt nöjd med ASTR-tekniken. Jag hoppas att alla utövare som gör fysikalisk medicin tar en titt på detta.
Dr. Maria Angle, DC
Dr. Maria Angle, DCChiropractor & Oriental Medicine Doctor – 18 yrs of practice
“I definitely encourage (healthcare providers) to check this program and enroll and vara en del av denna revolutionerande behandling. Det här är den bästa manuella terapikursen jag någonsin tagit
Sherwin Gagatam, PT
Sherwin Gagatam, PTPhysical Therapist – 15 yrs of practice