
Misaligned Bite

A misaligned bite can be the result of several problem including crowded teeth, crooked teeth, malformed jaw.  Normally the teeth of the upper jaw should be slightly overlapping the bottom jaw so that the molars can grow in properly.  Misaligned bite can also be the result of gingivitis or an improperly placed dental implant.  It can cause improper chewing and strain to the jaw muscles and can be corrected by an orthodontist but jaw pain often times remains.  

Misaligned Bite Causes

Misaligned Bite Treatment

ASTR 使用整体、非侵入性和无痛的方法来缓解疼痛,而无需使用药物。我们的医生使用获得专利的 ASTR 工具来分解和清除患者现有的疤痕组织和肌筋膜限制。为患者提供特定的特殊锻炼计划,旨在减少炎症和增强肌肉,使患者恢复正常功能和活动。