
Hand Pain Testimonials


“For a year, I couldn’t open my hand. My thumb had very limited movement without a lot of pain. It was difficult to lift anything, even small, or move my hand a certain way without pain. Last year I had two injections put into the area for pain management. And before that, I did about 5-6 months of chiropractic, but the pain would always come right back. As of today, I’ve had 3 ASTR treatments. I can open my hand completely and feel no pain at all. ASTR 有效!毫無疑問,它確實有效!

“我是一名中風倖存者。我在 2010 年 12 月中風,在過去的 4 年裡,我進出許多治療/康復設施。當我來到雅各布斯醫生那裡時,我的左手和手臂仍然有些麻痺。 通過 Jacob 博士的 ASTR 計劃,他能夠分解疤痕組織並讓我的手指開始移動 來到這裡的兩個月內。” 

Watch testimonial videos of patients who experience relief from hand pain through Advanced Soft Tissue Release!