
Spondylosis: Definition, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


What is Spondylosis?

Spondylosis is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. Spondylosis is when there is a defect in the connecting part of the vertebrae. The vertebrae are the bones that connect together to make up the spine.  With a defect such as spondylosis, there is a higher chance of fractures in the vertebrae that can weaken the bones causing a bone to slip out of place. With spondylosis being a main factor in lower back pain with in the adolescent population, there may also be a genetic link for this disease.  Spondylosis can lead to several complications including a decrease in mobility and inactivity causing for weight gain and bone density to decrease, decreased muscle strength, and a reduction in flexibility. 

Causes or Spondylosis 

  1. Sections of the vertebrae tend to be weak 
  2. Genetic factors. Individuals may be born with a thin veritable and may be more prone to fractures.
  3. Weakened vertebrae due to repeated trauma to the lower back 

Symptoms of Spondylosis 

  1. Spondylosis is usually symptomless and most individuals are not aware that they have it. 
  2. If symptoms do show, the lower back generally has the most pain and feels as if they have a muscle strain. 
  3. Pain will increase with exercise 

Spondylosis Treatment

ASTR 款待 spondylosis 以溫和、有效和自然的方式解決肌肉失衡、疤痕組織、觸發點,  筋膜受限、炎症、姿勢、身體力學,這些通常是疼痛的根源。 ASTR 採用整體方法來解決疼痛的根本原因,而不僅僅是症狀。 ASTR 治療可以在家中進行 spondylosis

Spondylosis Home Treatment

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