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New Formula

with Devil's Claw

Natürliche Schmerzlinderungscreme

Für Erwachsene und Kinder

Discover the 7 proven secrets to ending chronic pain, based on an overwhelming number of research studies. These are the same strategies I used to overcome my own chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, and migraines. They have helped countless patients do the same. Backed by solid research, this book provides the essential tools you need to reclaim your life. Don’t let pain take control—start your healing journey today. Read this book and unlock the path to a pain-free life.

Schmerzlinderung leicht gemacht

ASTR is a Biopsychosocial (BPS) model that treats pain at its source. ASTR’s patented medical tools and devices gently break down fibrotic tissue, release myofascial restrictions, and reduce the inflammation that often causes chronic pain. The ASTR approach also addresses proper nutrition, inflammation management, laboratory testing, posture correction, body mechanics, ergonomics, lifestyle changes, and exercises.

We create and package step-by-step online programs and easy-to-use toolkits for on-the-go patients who are ready to treat themselves from the comfort of their homes. We also create and package high-quality programs and toolkits for providers who want to offer their patients fast, long-term pain relief.

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Dr. Jacobs litt früher unter chronischen MigräneKopfschmerzenErmüdungund Schmerzen nach seinem zweiten Krebs Behandlung.

Er konnte sich nicht überwinden, seine Behinderung und seine Symptome mit den traditionellen Methoden zu lindern, die er in der Schule gelernt hatte. Dies führte ihn zur Entwicklung von ASTR.

Dr. Jacobs hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Patienten bei der Überwindung ihrer Behinderungen und Schmerzen zu helfen.

Erfunden vom Arzt
