Phantom Limb Pain: Definition, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
What is Phantom Limb Pain?
Phantom limb pain is pain in a limb that is no longer attached to the body. This pain is coming from the brain and spinal cord. The brain recognizes the body’s nerves and adjusts to the changes of the amputation. Pain and symptoms may get weaker and weaker, but may not fully subside. Some individuals may even develop neuromas on the amputated nerves, blood clots, pnemoina, psychological problems, and slow wound healing. Determination of phantoms limb treatment depends on patients pain level and symptoms.
Causes of Phantom Limb Pain
The amputated limb has nerve endings in the are of the amputation which continue to send pain and sensation signals to the brain and spinal cord even though the limb is gone. This causes for that pain and sensation to be felt as if the limb were still there. The brain’s memory of the sensation of that limb is retained.
Phantom Limb Pain Symptoms
- A sensation in the limb that was amputated such as tingling, cramping, hot or cold, and pain in general
- Sensation as if the limb is moving in a weird position or getting shorter.
Phantom Limb Pain Treatment
ASTR-Leckereien phantom limb pain auf sanfte, effektive und natürliche Weise durch die Behandlung von Muskelungleichgewichten, Narbengewebe, Triggerpunkten, Faszieneinschränkungen, Entzündungen, Körperhaltung, Körpermechanik, die oft die Quelle der Schmerzen sind. ASTR verfolgt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, um die Ursachen von Schmerzen anzugehen, nicht nur die Symptome. Die ASTR-Behandlung kann zu Hause durchgeführt werden phantom limb pain.
Phantom Limb Pain Home Treatment
- Schnelle Ergebnisse
- Die Behandlung dauert etwa 5 Minuten pro Tag
- Einfach zu verwendende medizinische Hilfsmittel
- Natürlicher ganzheitlicher Ansatz
- Behandlung der Grundursache des Problems
- Erfunden von einem Arzt, der chronische Schmerzen hatte
- Gestützt durch über 45 Studien
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