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Rilascio avanzato dei tessuti molli® (ASTR) is a biopsychosocial treatment model that utilizes unique ASTR instruments, maneuvers, theories and methodologies. ASTR treatment includes working on multiple aspects including: scar tissue, fascia restriction, trigger points, muscles spasms, ergonomics, gait, exercise, nutrition, inflammation, stress management, and behavior modification.

ASTR is a revolutionary specialty developed by Dr. Joseph Jacobs, DPT. ASTR specialty is a holistic and multifaceted approach to treating the source of soft tissue restriction in a way that is virtually pain-free and highly effective. Advanced Soft Tissue Release involves the use of the clinician’s hands, ASTR tools, customized exercises, and patient-specific protocols to address all elements of soft tissue dysfunction in a gentle way that has a beneficial effect on the body’s neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems. 

How is ASTR Different from Traditional Medical Approaches?

Traditional medical approaches for treating soft tissue pain utilize heat/cold packs, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, massage, stretching, exercises, and pain medication. Temporary relief can be achieved with these methods, but more often than not, the pain returns because these techniques only treat the symptoms and not the true source of the pain. As pain returns, patients are required to see their practitioner on a regular basis for treatment. This continuous treatment can be quite costly!

With ASTR, the evaluation and treatment are focused on finding and addressing the source of the problem, rather than the symptoms alone. ASTR promotes healing in the body by releasing scar tissue, fascia restriction, and trigger points. Treatment is virtually pain-free and provides long-term relief!




Quali condizioni può trattare ASTR?

ASTR is capable of addressing the majority of soft tissue problems to includeTMJ/jaw pain, sciatica, arthritis, headaches, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis, and so much more!The following are evaluated and treated with ASTR:

Soft Tissue Fibrosis (Scar Tissue)

What is Scar Tissue?

Il tessuto cicatriziale si forma in tutto il corpo in risposta al danno tissutale al fine di riparare temporaneamente un sito della lesione fino a quando non viene creato un tessuto più forte e permanente. Durante il normale processo di guarigione, la maggior parte del tessuto cicatriziale temporaneo viene riassorbito nel corpo dopo che il tessuto permanente è stato creato. Occasionalmente, il processo di guarigione viene interrotto e si forma troppo tessuto cicatriziale, esercitando una pressione eccessiva sui muscoli, sui vasi sanguigni, sui nervi, sulle ossa e sugli organi circostanti. Ciò può causare dolore e/o limitare il raggio di movimento di un'articolazione.

How ASTR Can Help: With ASTR’s tools, these soft tissue adhesions are painlessly and efficiently released, relieving pain and restoring range of motion.

Fascia Restriction

What is Fascia Restriction?

Simile al modo in cui la tuta di Spiderman abbraccia il suo corpo, la fascia è un tessuto connettivo forte che avvolge i nostri corpi dalla testa ai piedi. Normalmente, la fascia è elastica e in grado di allungarsi e accorciarsi in risposta ai movimenti del corpo. Incidenti, traumi, interventi chirurgici, tessuto cicatriziale, stress, cattiva postura e scarsa meccanica del corpo possono ridurre l'elasticità della fascia con conseguente dolore e una gamma limitata di movimento.

How ASTR Can Help: Based on clinical findings, symptoms of fascial restriction often mimic those of nerve impairments. Patients complain of roundish pain, numbness, tingling, soreness, and tightness yet the location of pain doesn’t correspond with normal nerve sites. Current imaging tests can prove unreliable as it cannot indicate fascial restriction. Dr. Jacobs created the Myofascial/Fascia ScaleTM so clinicians have an objective way to quantify fascial restriction. ASTR tools also provide an effective way of quickly releasing myofascial restrictions without pain. 

Trigger Points, Muscle Spasms, & Golgi Tendon Organs:

What are Trigger Points, Muscle Spasms, & Golgi Tendon Organs?

Trigger points are palpable knots in muscle tissue. Their presence can cause pain and muscle shortening, or muscle spasms. Muscle spasm is excessive muscle tone (in comparison to the feeling of normal muscle) detected by palpation of the muscle while in a resting position.

Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO’s) are a type of sensory receptor found in muscles. There are multiple GTO’s in each muscle of the body, located near the muscle-tendon junction, and their function is to inhibit muscle contraction when the muscle fibers are stretched past a certain point. In essence, GTO’s decrease muscle tension and promote muscle relaxation. In contrast, alpha motor neurons stimulate the muscle to increase tension by contracting. When a muscle gets too tense, GTO’s fire, turning off the alpha motor neurons and decreasing tension in the muscle, releasing trigger points, and encouraging relaxation.

Una buona analogia per questo sistema è immaginare un muscolo con due interruttori, uno che accende il muscolo (motoneurone alfa) e un secondo interruttore che spegne il muscolo (GTO). Immagina una persona che si siede curvo davanti al proprio computer per molte ore ogni giorno. I motoneuroni alfa dei muscoli associati a questa postura sono costantemente accesi e la postura scorretta diventa abituale per il sistema nervoso. L'attivazione continua di questi muscoli nel tempo provoca una miriade di menomazioni tra cui dolore ai tessuti molli, affaticamento muscolare, formazione di tessuto cicatriziale, aumento della tensione muscolare, punti trigger, restrizione della fascia e gamma limitata di movimento.

How ASTR Can Help: The ASTR specialty involves neuromuscular re-education as it targets the Golgi Tendon Organs of muscles to relieve muscle hypertonicity, spasms, soft tissue pain, and trigger points. 

Joint Displacement

What is Joint Displacement?

Tutte le articolazioni del nostro corpo hanno un allineamento normale, descrivendo come due ossa adiacenti sono posizionate e si muovono l'una rispetto all'altra. Lo spostamento del giunto si riferisce a qualsiasi deviazione in quell'allineamento normale. La restrizione nei tessuti molli può spesso causare lo spostamento di un'articolazione. Questo può essere estremamente doloroso e può sottoporre molto stress alle strutture articolari e circostanti.

How ASTR Can Help: ASTR evaluates the soft tissue dysfunction, which is often the cause of the displacement. With gentle maneuvers to release soft tissue restriction, ASTR indirectly facilitates the joint’s return to normal alignment, sometimes within the same treatment session. This result is long-term because the source of the displacement is treated instead of simply focusing on the symptoms. 

ASTR’s Holistic Approach

ASTR is not just the unique techniques and maneuvers used by ASTR clinicians during manual therapy. It is a holistic approach. Clinicians look at a patient’s lifestyle, diet, and mindset in addition to their presenting issue. All of the following elements will be evaluated throughout ASTR treatment:

  1. Tessuto cicatriziale
  2. Punti trigger
  3. Spasmi muscolari
  4. Fascia Restriction
  5. Infiammazione
  6. Lifestyle Analysis
  7. Posture Analysis
  8. Gait Analysis
  9. Basic Nutrition
  10. Fatica
  11. Esercizi

This holistic approach is part of the reason why 87% of patients experience long-term pain relief!

How ASTR is Performed:

1. ASTR Instruments:

 ASTR tools are cutting-edge instruments created by Dr. Jacobs to aid clinicians in releasing soft tissue adhesions, myofascial restrictions, and hypertonicity in a matter of seconds. Not only do these tools decrease stress on a clinicians’ hands, ASTR tools are actually faster and more effective for releasing myofascial restriction and scar tissue.

2. Clinician Hands: 

ASTR clinicians use more than 125 different maneuvers involving muscle contraction, passive range of motion, reciprocal inhibition, finger vibration, muscle/tendon gliding, and pressure point release to decrease muscle hypertonicity and trigger points. These maneuvers are arranged into specific protocols for each soft tissue dysfunction, and can relieve pain and release soft tissue dysfunctions in just a few seconds. 

3. Exercise Programs and Protocols:

For each dysfunction, Dr. Jacobs has developed an exercise protocol with a special combination of stretches and exercises. When performed according the protocol, these exercises help return patients to full function. 

The following scales have been established to help clinicians make objective assessments of soft tissue impairments:

  1. Fascia ScaleTM
  2. Trigger Point ScaleTM
  3. Hypertonicity ScaleTM
  4. Fibrosis (Scar Tissue) ScaleTM
ASTR IASTM/ Graston/ Gua Sha
Long-term results X
Design ergonomico X
Pain-free treatment X
Superficial scar tissue release
Deep scar tissue release X
Myofascial release X
Rilascio del punto trigger X
Diminuire l'infiammazione X
Exercise protocols X
Treatment protocols X
Modello biopsicosociale X

Trattamento domiciliare per articolazioni e muscoli

ASTR eccezionalmente diverso

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