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Bell’s Palsy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What is Bell’s Palsy?

Bells palsy is a weakness or paralysis on one side of an individuals face.  This is caused due to damage of the facial nerve that controls the muscles on the side of the face that is dropping.  This nerve damage may also cause an affect to the sense of taste, ability to make tears and saliva.  This is a condition that comes on suddenly and generally gets better on its own within a few weeks.  There is no link between bells palsy and a hartinfarct or transient ischemic attack.  

Causes of Bell’s palsy

  1. Possibly caused by the herpes virus that causes cold sores
  2. Nerve damage due to inflammation 

Symptoms of Bell’s Palsy 

  1. Weakness or paralysis on one side of the face
  2. Face looks like it is drooping 
  3. Hard to close affected eye 
  4. Drooling
  5. Eye problems (dry eye, or excessive tearing)
  6. Loss of ability to taste 
  7. Pain in or behind ear
  8. Numbness in affects side of face
  9. Increase in sensitivity to sound

Bell’s Palsy Treatment 

ASTR treats bell’s palsy  op een zachte, effectieve en natuurlijke manier door spieronevenwichtigheden, littekenweefsel, triggerpoints, fascia-beperkingen, ontstekingen, houding en lichaamsmechanica aan te pakken die vaak de bron van de pijn zijn. ASTR hanteert een holistische benadering om de grondoorzaken van pijn aan te pakken, niet alleen de symptomen. ASTR-behandeling kan thuis gedaan worden voor bell’s palsy.

Bell's Palsy Home Treatment

ASTR uitzonderlijk anders

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