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No advice

This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments.  The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such.


Results may vary with each person and we cannot guarantee that you will experience similar result to the testimonials and treatment videos presented on any of our pages. Each individual is different and one person’s success is not guarantee of result. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

 ASTR online and physical classes 

We do not allow recording of this class at all. Any and all information provided in this class is purely from the standpoint of the developer and inventor and is considered general information. By participating in this class or online class, your voice, image, or likeness may be videotaped, audiotaped, photographed and/or recorded by us. You are giving us permission to use your photo and audio voice or likeness and you also give us permission to edit and distribute them along with the class recording without condition. You are giving us all of the rights that pertain to these photos, audio and images, including copyright and moral rights, you or your family, heirs and assigns may have to all of these things. Doctors, healthcare providers and patients have the responsibility to properly evaluate any and all information distributed by ASTR to determine if in fact the information is applicable and appropriate. Neither the authors, instructors, nor ASTR Institute assume any liability for any injury and/or damage done to people or property as a result of information or suggestions found in ASTR courses, reading materials and websites. 

Limitation of warranties

 The medical information on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. makes no representations or warranties in relation to the medical information on this website.   

Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, does not warrant that:


 Professional assistance

You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. 

If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention.  


You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.




Nothing in this medical disclaimer will limit any of our liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law, or exclude any of our liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

Magnet Disclaimer:

ASTR Institute is niet aansprakelijk of verantwoordelijk voor enig letsel, vernietiging of schade die de MagnaHeal kan veroorzaken als gevolg van het gebruik ervan. Alvorens de MagnaHeal te kopen, verklaart de koper dat hij de volgende waarschuwingen heeft gelezen en begrepen:

De koper verklaart dat hij/zij 100% verantwoordelijkheid neemt voor alle verwondingen en schade die de MagnaHeal zou kunnen veroorzaken. Dit omvat letsel aan zichzelf of anderen, schade aan eigendommen en schade aan de MagnaHeal. De koper moet akkoord gaan met deze voorwaarden voordat hij de MagnaHeal koopt.

ASTR Institute zal een schatting geven van de trekkracht voor de MagnaHeal, maar wij zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor enige discrepantie of onnauwkeurigheid van de trekkracht van de magneten. Test de trekkracht voordat u deze gebruikt.

MagnaHeal is zeer krachtig. Het is essentieel dat er voorzichtig mee wordt omgegaan om schade aan de magneet en letsel aan zichzelf of anderen te voorkomen. Magneten die even groot of groter zijn dan een kubus van 2 inch, kunnen zeer ernstige schade aan de vingers veroorzaken als de vingers tussen de 2 magneten bekneld raken. Botten kunnen breken en vingertoppen kunnen verloren gaan.

MagnaHeal is breekbaar. Als het valt of wordt geraakt, kan het breken of versplinteren. Draag handschoenen en een veiligheidsbril bij het vasthouden en gebruiken van de MagnaHeal, aangezien splinters en/of afstandhouders uit elkaar kunnen vallen en uit de MagnaHeal kunnen vliegen.

A. If MagnaHeal is heated above 175 degrees Farenheit or 80 degrees Celsius, it will lose its magnetic property.

B. MagnaHeal has a very powerful magnetic field and can damage the following: computers, televisions, computer monitors, data carriers, phones, electronic devices, credit cards, watches, hearing aids, pacemakers, etc.

Pacemakers zijn een contra-indicatie en kunnen beschadigd raken bij blootstelling aan de MagnaHeal. Patiënten met een pacemaker moeten minimaal 1 meter afstand van de MagnaHeal blijven.

C. Children should not use or touch the MagnaHeal as it can be dangerous and pose a choking hazard. Children can choke on the magnet and this can cause damage internally. MagnaHeal is only to be used externally.

D. The MagnaHeal should not be altered at all. No cutting, drilling or sawing of the MagnaHeal is allowed. Particles from the MagnaHeal from cutting can cause a very dangerous environment as the particles are highly flammable. The magnet will break if sawed, cut or drilled. MagnaHeal should never be burned due to the toxic females this would create.