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Peripheral Neuropathy: Types, Symptoms, Risk Factors & Treatment

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy occurs due to damage to the peripheral nervous system.  The nervous system is in charge of all communication between the central nervous system and the entire body.  There are about 20 million people in the Unites States that suffer from some form of peripheral neuropathy.  This issue can be in many different forms and patterns, but always distorts and even interrupts communication between the brain, spinal cords and the rest of the body.   

Peripheral Neuropathy Types 

There are over 100 different types of peripheral neuropathy causing for unique symptoms for each.  There are a variety of symptoms depending on how much damage there is to the motor, sensory or autonomic nerves.  

Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms 

  1. Tingling and numbness
  2. Prickling sensations
  3. Spier zwakte
  4. Heightened sensitivity
  5. Distorted sensations 
  6. Burning pain
  7. Wasting of muscle 
  8. Verlamming
  9. Organ or glad dysfunction

Risk Factors of Peripheral Neuropathy

  1. Physical injury or trauma 
  2. Ziekte
  3. Exposure to toxins
  4. Heavy alcohol use
  5. Individuals over the age of 55

Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy 

ASTR treats peripheral neuropathy op een zachte, effectieve en natuurlijke manier door spieronevenwichtigheden, littekenweefsel, triggerpoints, fascia-beperkingen, ontstekingen, houding en lichaamsmechanica aan te pakken die vaak de bron van de pijn zijn. ASTR hanteert een holistische benadering om de grondoorzaken van pijn aan te pakken, niet alleen de symptomen. ASTR-behandeling kan thuis gedaan worden voor peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral Neuropathy Home Treatment

ASTR uitzonderlijk anders

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