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Arthritis of the Hand: Symptoms, Causes & Tratamento 

What is Hand Arthritis?

Arthritis of the hand is the inflammation of one or more joint within the hand.  There are 100 different forms of arthritis including osteoarthritis (“wear and tear”) and rheumatoid arthritis (chronic swelling within the body).  Arthritis of the hand can be painful and debilitating since the hand makes such fine motor movement with several small bones.  Arthritis can occur in any of the small joints within the hand.  

Symptoms of Arthritis of the Hand

  1. Pain in the affected joint
  2. Loss of motion or weakness
  3. Deformation of the hand’s structure
  4. Grinding, clicking, or cracking in the joint during motion
  5. Swollen joint that are red or tender to touch

Causes of Arthritis of the Hand

  1. Lack of joint stability or alignment
  2. Idade
  3. History of traumatic injury in the hand
  4. Joint infection
  5. Overuse of the hand
  6. História de família
  7. Inflammatory conditions (lupus, gout, pseudo gout, ankylosing spondylitis, IBS, or psyoriasis)

Treatment for Arthritis of the Hand

ASTR trata hand arthritis de uma forma suave, eficaz e natural, abordando desequilíbrios musculares, tecido cicatricial, pontos-gatilho, restrições de fáscia, inflamação, postura, mecânica corporal que muitas vezes são a fonte da dor. ASTR adota uma abordagem holística para abordar as causas da dor, não apenas os sintomas. O tratamento ASTR pode ser feito em casa para hand arthritis.

Arthritis of the Hand Home Treatment

ASTR Excepcionalmente diferente

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