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Parkinson’s Disease: Symptoms & Treatment


What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a gradual neurological disorder that attacks the nerve cells in the brain.  This causes a decrease in dopamine which leads to abnormal brain activity. Early stages of Parkinson’s disease can present very mild symptoms including a slight tremor, softer speech, and stiffening of the face.  As Parkinson’s progresses symptoms may worsen with time.  The cause is not completely known, although genes may play a role.  There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease but treatments focus on managing symptoms.  

Symptoms of Parkinson’s

  1. Tremor (often starts in the fingers)
  2. Moment slows (bradykinesia) 
  3. Speech changes 
  4. Facial expression decreases 
  5. Shuffling of feet 
  6. Stiffness of muscles
  7. Writing changes 

Treatment for Parkinson’s

In order to relieve Parkinson’s disease, ASTR uses patent tools that release scare tissue and myofasical restriction to be able to increase mobility.

ASTR godsaker Parkinson’s disease på ett skonsamt, effektivt och naturligt sätt genom att ta itu med muskelobalanser, ärrvävnad, triggerpunkter, fascia-restriktioner, inflammation, hållning, kroppsmekanik som ofta är källan till smärtan. ASTR tar ett holistiskt tillvägagångssätt för att ta itu med de grundläggande orsakerna till smärta, inte bara symptomen. ASTR-behandling kan göras hemma för Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s Disease Home Treatment

ASTR Exceptionellt annorlunda

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