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Bone Spurs: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Prevention & Treatment

What is Bone Spurs?

Bone spurs, are also known as osteophytes, are smooth, bony growths that form over a long period of time. The bone spurs are not painful, but the surrounding area can be effected by it. It could be pressing on nerves and they often occur within the spinal column and irritate the nerve roots.  Bone spurs often happen along side osteoarthritis and it is possible that they will cause little to no symptoms at all.  Only 40% of bone spur cases cause symptoms that require medical treatment.   

Symptoms of Bone Spurs

  1. Back and neck pain
  2. Inflamed joints
  3. Burning or tingling
  4. Dull pain when standing or walking
  5. Loss of coordination
  6. Spasms, cramps, weakness, or numbness 
  7. Radiating pain near the site of the bone spur

Causes and Risk Factors of Bone Spurs

  1. Age (>60)
  2. Disc and joint degeneration
  3. Heredity and structural problems
  4. Previous injuries
  5. 不良姿势
  6. Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis

Bone Spurs Prevention

  1. Proper posture
  2. Diet including sufficient vitamins and minerals
  3. Body awareness 
  4. Seeking proper medical care after traumas or injuries

Treatment of Bone Spurs

ASTR 款待 bone spurs 以温和、有效和自然的方式解决肌肉失衡、疤痕组织、触发点、筋膜限制、炎症、姿势、身体力学,这些通常是疼痛的根源。 ASTR 采用整体方法来解决疼痛的根本原因,而不仅仅是症状。 ASTR 治疗可以在家中进行 bone spurs.

Bone Spurs Home Treatment

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