Arthritis of the Ankle: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention & Treatment
Was ist Arthritis?
Arthritis is a condition in which the joint or multiple joints experience inflammation and pain. Arthritis in the ankle is most commonly caused by wear and tear (osteoarthritis) over the years. Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder that affects the entire body, is another type of arthritis that can occur in the ankle. The inside of the normal ankle joint is lined completely by smooth cartilage. The arthritic ankle loses this smooth cartilage lining which normally allows for low friction and pain free weight bearing. Once the cartilage lining is worn down completely, the underlying bone is exposed and becomes vulnerable for grinding bone to bone.
Symptoms of Arthritis of the Ankle
- Pain at the ankle joint
- Swelling after prolonged weight bearing or exercise
- Deformity can also be an occurrence
Risk Factors of Arthritis of the Ankle
- Vorherige Verletzung
- Standing for long periods of time at work over several years
- Chronic and recurrent inflammation (rheumatoid or gout arthritis)
- Neurological condition such as polio or hereditary sensory and motor neuropathy
- Being overweight
Preventative measures for Arthritis of the Ankle
- Do not carry excess weight
- Reduce heavy impact on the joint
- Wear proper footwear
Treatment of Arthritis of the Ankle
ASTR-Leckereien ankle arthritis auf sanfte, effektive und natürliche Weise, indem Muskelungleichgewichte, Narbengewebe, Triggerpunkte, Faszieneinschränkungen, Entzündungen, Haltungen und Körpermechaniken angegangen werden, die oft die Quelle der Schmerzen sind. ASTR verfolgt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, um die Ursachen von Schmerzen anzugehen, nicht nur die Symptome. Die ASTR-Behandlung kann zu Hause durchgeführt werden ankle arthritis
Arthritis of the Ankle Home Treatment
- Schnelle Ergebnisse
- Die Behandlung dauert etwa 5 Minuten pro Tag
- Einfach zu verwendende medizinische Hilfsmittel
- Natürlicher ganzheitlicher Ansatz
- Behandlung der Grundursache des Problems
- Erfunden von einem Arzt, der chronische Schmerzen hatte
- Gestützt durch über 45 Studien
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