- Natural holistic approach you'll wish learned sooner
- Research-based & clinically tested effective treatment protocols
- Treat the root cause of chronic diseases, backed by research
- Self-paced online training, simple steps easy to follow protocols
- Lab test analysis & interpretation
- Increase your income
Doctors Recommend ASTR Institute
Do you wonder why some of your patients are not getting better? Would you like to help treat chronic conditions such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Depression, Alzheimers and Fibromyalgia for the best long term outcomes for your patients?
Great news! I developed the Advanced Clinical Nutrition (ACN) course to help you comprehensively address and treat these conditions with your patients. ACN will take your practice and treatment outcome to the next level by providing effective, long term pain relief solutions that address the true source of patients problems.
Regardless of whether you have a scientific background or not, this class will take you from a basic understanding of the human body into an Advanced Clinical Nutrition! Course material covers the basic human body anatomy and physiology, basic nutrition, advanced nutrition and advanced differential diagnoses/pathology. It also covers nutrition focused physical examination and learning how to order proper laboratory testing. You will learn how to come up with scientific treatment plans. The plan, which includes nutrition and natural supplementation, will address common diagnoses and/or chronic conditions at the root source of the problem.
This course includes the most up to date scientific findings regarding treatment plans that address the root cause of chronic conditions and diseases and covers five college level courses.
What are the benefits of taking the ACN Course?
- Self-paced online training
- Breakthrough results
- Easy to follow protocols
- Lab test analysis & interpretation
- Treat difficult conditions such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, allergies, etc.
- Treat the root cause of the chronic diseases
- Become a trusted and reputable healthcare provider who can provide consistent long term outcomes for patients
- Increase income
- 20 CEU’s
What will I learn?
- Basic and advanced anatomy & physiology
- Biochemistry
- Basic and advanced nutrition
- Pathology
- Diseases differential diagnosis
- Implementing nutrition focus physical examination (NFPE)
- Ordering proper laboratory testing and interpreting the findings
- Treat the root cause of chronic conditions utilizing the most up-to-date scientific findings
- Come up with the proper treatment plan utilizing nutrition and natural supplementation
- Curriculum link >
What is included?
- 18+ hours of video powerpoint presentation
- Downloadable evaluation forms, diet plans, powerpoint presentations and patient handouts
- Laminated summary protocols for clinic
- 1 year access to online course
- 20 CEU’s*
Who can take ACN Advanced Clinical Nutrition Course?
Anyone can sign up for ACN course, from those that do not have a scientific background to doctors with medical degrees. This course provides everyone with information on advanced clinical nutrition and treating chronic diseases at its source. In order to be certified you have to meet the certification requirements >
Why I developed ACN course?
- Before I implemented the nutrition evaluation & treatment, I was not getting good results long term with chronic conditions/ autoimmune disease patients and I was not able to provide long term pain relief.
- After implementing the nutrition evaluation and bloodwork within treatment, my success rates are in the 90-95% range; even with difficult cases.
- Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes / heart diseases/ depression/ Alzheimer/Fibromyalgia kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally
- These numbers are alarming and are an indication of a failed healthcare system
- Some of the problems with the current healthcare education system:
- There is a nutrition education gap in medical schools. Comprehensive nutrition evaluation and treatment are not part of the medical education curriculum
- Current medical training focuses on relieving the symptoms. We are trained to ask the wrong questions like “what are patients symptoms?” instead of asking “why is my patient experiencing this condition so that I can treat the root cause of the problem?” Even if providers ask the correct questions, they are usually not able to find the answer because they lack the practice and knowledge it takes to get to the answer.
- I decided to learn about nutrition because I wanted to improve patient outcomes. I read 100’s of books, took seminars and reviewed 1000’s of research and medical articles and I was not able to find a one single comprehensive course that could help me implement a nutrition based evaluation and treatment protocol with patients. This is why I developed the ACN course. I wanted it to be an A to Z course that would cover everything from basic science and nutrition to advanced laboratory testing and treatment.
Developed By Doctor
Dr. Jacobs used to suffer from chronic migraines, headaches, fatigue, and pain after his second cancer treatment.
He could not overcome his disability and relieve his symptoms using the traditional modalities he had learned in school. This is what led him to develop ASTR & ACN.
Dr. Jacobs’ mission is to help patients overcome their disability and pain.