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Muscle Strain and Muscle Tear

Muscle Strain is when the muscle is stretched beyond is ability by tension or strenuous activity.  A muscle strain can also be referred to as a muscle pull and when the muscle is stretched even further it can experience a muscle tear.  Pain, bleeding, or bruising can result due to damage muscle fibers and small blood vessels in the surrounding area.  

Muscle Strain and Muscle Tear Causes

Muscle Strain and Muscle Tear Symptoms

Muscle Strain and Muscle Tear Treatment

ASTR uses holistic, noninvasive and pain free approaches to relieving pain without the use of medication.  Our doctors use patented ASTR tools to break down and clear the existing scar tissue and myofasical restriction in patients.  Specific special exercise programs are given to patients that are designed to reduce inflammation and strengthen the muscle to bring the patient back to a normal functioning and activity.