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Learn more about Advanced Soft Tissue Release from patients who experienced pain relief through this revolutionary new specialty! You can find testimonials based on the patient’s presenting issue, but below are a few highlights.



“After my first appointment with Doctor Jacobs, I felt so much better. The techniques he used on me weren’t “typical.” But they really worked. After many sessions with Dr. Jacobs, along with a change in my diet to more natural and organic foods, I am a completely different person. Although the Celiac Disease and Arthritis is something I cannot change, so many other things have changed for the better. My last bone scan came back as basically normal. My symptoms of Fibromyalgia are 80% gone. My symptoms of Carpal Tunnel are 100% gone. And last, but not least, I am 100% off of narcotic pills. I have gained close to 40 pounds and I am now working 3 jobs at a total of about 60 hours a week. 

Doctor Jacobs is absolutely incredible and his techniques are groundbreaking. Put your trust in him and you WILL get better. That is something I can promise you. At 23, I am so grateful to have my life back. Thank you, Doctor Jacobs, for making that quality of life incredibly better than it was. No amount of money could ever repay you for all that you have done.” 

An Appreciative client


“After having 18 months of traditional physical therapy after two knee surgeries to replace my ACL, I was skeptical that anything more could be done to help my knee pain and stiffness. After just one visit, I was amazed with the results that Doctor Jacobs was able to produce with his Advanced Soft Tissue Release technique! He was very thorough, courteous, and helpful throughout the visit. He took the time to explain the technique to me and how it works. I was very impressed with how my knee responded and loosened up, especially since it has been two years since my original surgery. I went in a skeptic and now I’m a believer! 

Mychal T.

Knee Pain

(Pheonix, AZ)

“Not only did Doctor Jacobs help my ailments, he also taught me how to help myself. I initially began treatment with Doctor Jacobs for migraine headaches. Along with the elimination of medication, his ASTR technique reduced my migraines in frequency and intensity tremendously. Alongside my appointment with Doctor Jacobs, I did my assigned exercises at home. The combination was highly effective. He actively listened to my concerns and treated me accordingly. He was great with feedback and knowledgable about my pain and conditions. Throughout my Physical Therapy, Doctor Jacobs helped me with fibromyalgia, muscle pain in my feet legs, back and shoulders and migraine headaches. He gave me information to help me help myself. I will definitely utilize Doctor Jacobs’ Wellness program in the future as well.”

Jessica Y.


(Trabuco Canyon, CA)

“I brought my daughter, Daisy, in because she had several x-rays showing that her scoliosis curve was at 53 degrees. She was very lopsided. Doctors said that there was no hope- that it was surgery or nothing. I came to Dr. Jacobs to see if there was anything we could do. Daisy has had amazing progress! I barely notice it when she’s walking in front of me. She’s much more straight. She walks totally different. She looks 90% better than she did before we came here! Dr. Jacob’s released the tightness of her scar tissue so that her spine wasn’t being pulled anymore. Sessions are pain-free and she never complains about treatment!”

Daughter has Scoliosis

“I just wanted to say what a great expereince I’ve had. Doctor Jacobs has used the ASTR technique on me to help me with my rotator cuff, which was really very painful when I got here. I also have scoliosis and I’ve had constant pain with that. The pain from the rotator cuff went away right away. I would say within the first two or three appointments, I felt much better and I have complete flexibility now, which is awesome! My scoliosis pain is going away. It’s almost subsided completely and this is only within a month and a half.! Thank you, Dr. Jacobs. I really appreciate everything that you’ve done!”

Glee H.
Shoulder Pain/ Scoliosis
(Mission Viejo, CA)


“I am a stroke survivor. I had a stroke in December of 2010, and for the past 4 years, I have been in and out of numerous therapy/ rehab facilities. When I came to Dr. Jacobs, I still had some paralysis in my left hand and arm. Through Dr. Jacob’s ASTR program, he was able to break up scar tissue and get my fingers to start to move within two months of being here.” 
Stroke Survivor with Hand Paralysis