
Foot Pain: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Prevention & Treatment

Foot pain can occur anywhere form your toes to your Achilles tendon at ht he back of your heel and can often be caused by arthritis.  Injury may have an intense burning pain, numbness, or tingling. Foot pain can be associated with a pinched nerve in the lower back and will generally have leg pain as well.  Even relatively mild foot pain should be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible.  If foot pain is not addressed fractures that extend into the joint can later cause arthritis and others may overtime develop compartment syndrome from nerve or blood vessel damage. Neuropathy (numbness) can occur and is often a result of prolonged foot injury.  

Symptoms of Foot Pain

  1. Severe pain or swelling
  2. Unable to walk or put weight on your foot
  3. Burning pain, numbness, or tingling
  4. Difficulty walking on heels
  5. Unstable ankles and unable to walk on toes

Causes of Foot Pain

  1. 受傷
  2. 過度使用
  3. 關節炎
  4. 糖尿病
  5. 錘狀趾
  6. Bunions
  7. 足底筋膜炎
  8. Heel Spurs

Risk Factors of Foot Pain

  1. 年齡
  2. Occupation with repetitive stress on the feet
  3. High impact sports (ex. dancing, soccer)
  4. Weight gain
  5. 懷孕
  6. Cosmetic surgical procedures

Preventing Foot Pain

  1. Seek medical help when feeling pain
  2. Avoid running or stepping on uneven surfaces
  3. Gradual warm up and increase activity slowly
  4. Avoid prolonged wearing of high heels and uncomfortable footwear
  5. Obtain proper inserts for flat feet

Treatment for Foot Pain

ASTR treats foot pain 以溫和、有效和自然的方式解決肌肉失衡、疤痕組織、觸發點,  筋膜受限、炎症、姿勢、身體力學,這些通常是疼痛的根源。 ASTR 採用整體方法來解決疼痛的根本原因,而不僅僅是症狀。 ASTR 治療可以在家中進行 foot pain.

Foot Pain Home Treatment

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